gammaPoisson for (potentially) overdisperesed count data.
- HTBoost with gammaPoisson (aka negative binomial) distribution on simulated data: E(y)=μ(x), var(y)=μ(1+αμ)
- The overdispersion parameter α is estimated internally.
- loss=:Poisson is also available (α=0)
Note: LightGMB does not have a gammaPoisson option. loss = poisson is used.
number_workers = 8 # desired number of workers
using Distributed
nprocs()<number_workers ? addprocs( number_workers - nprocs() ) : addprocs(0)
@everywhere using HTBoost
using Random,Plots,Distributions
using LightGBM
# Some options for HTBoost
loss = :gammaPoisson # :gammaPoisson or Poisson
modality = :fastest # :accurate, :compromise (default), :fast, :fastest
priortype = :hybrid # :hybrid (default) or :smooth to force smoothness
nfold = 1 # number of cv folds. 1 faster (single validation sets), default 5 is slower, but more accurate.
nofullsample = true # if nfold=1 and nofullsample=true, the model is not re-fitted on the full sample after validation of the number of trees
randomizecv = false # false (default) to use block-cv.
verbose = :On
warnings = :On
# options to generate data.
α = 0.5 # overdispersion parameter. Poisson for α -> 0
n,p,n_test = 50_000,5,100_000
# no interaction terms
f_1(x,b) = b./(1.0 .+ (exp.(2.0*(x .- 1.0) ))) .- 0.1*b
f_2(x,b) = b./(1.0 .+ (exp.(4.0*(x .- 0.5) ))) .- 0.1*b
f_3(x,b) = b./(1.0 .+ (exp.(7.0*(x .+ 0.0) ))) .- 0.1*b
f_4(x,b) = b./(1.0 .+ (exp.(10.0*(x .+ 0.5) ))) .- 0.1*b
#b1,b2,b3,b4 = 0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2
b1,b2,b3,b4 = 0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6
# generate data
α>0 ? ddgp = :gammaPoisson : ddgp = :Poisson
x,x_test = randn(n,p), randn(n_test,p)
c = 0 #
f = c .+ f_1(x[:,1],b1) + f_2(x[:,2],b2) + f_3(x[:,3],b3) + f_4(x[:,4],b4)
f_test = c .+ f_1(x_test[:,1],b1) + f_2(x_test[:,2],b2) + f_3(x_test[:,3],b3) + f_4(x_test[:,4],b4)
μ = exp.(f) # conditional mean
μ_test = exp.(f_test) # conditional mean
y = zeros(n)
y_test = zeros(n_test)
if ddgp==:gammaPoisson
for i in eachindex(y)
r = 1/α # gammaPoisson is negative binomial with r=1\α, and p = r./(μ .+ r)
pg = r./(μ .+ r)
y[i] = rand(NegativeBinomial(r,pg[i]))
α = 0.0
for i in eachindex(y)
y[i] = rand(Poisson.(μ[i]))
@show [mean(y), std(y), std(μ), maximum(y)]
# set up HTBparam and HTBdata, then fit and predit
# coefficient estimated internally.
param = HTBparam(loss=loss,priortype=priortype,randomizecv=randomizecv,nfold=nfold,
data = HTBdata(y,x,param)
output = HTBfit(data,param)
yf = HTBpredict(x_test,output,predict=:Ey)
println(" \n loss = $(param.loss), modality = $(param.modality), nfold = $nfold ")
println(" depth = $(output.bestvalue), number of trees = $(output.ntrees) ")
println(" out-of-sample RMSE from true μ ", sqrt(sum((yf - μ_test).^2)/n_test) )
println(" out-of-sample MAD from true μ ", mean(abs.(yf - μ_test)) )
println("\n true overdispersion = $α, estimated = $(exp(output.bestparam.coeff_updated[1][1])) ")
println("\n For more information about coefficients, use HTBcoeff(output) ")
# lightGBM
estimator = LGBMRegression(
objective = "poisson",
metric = ["poisson"], # default seems (strangely) "l2" regardless of objective: LightGBM.jl bug?
num_iterations = 1000,
learning_rate = 0.1,
early_stopping_round = 100,
num_threads = number_workers
n_train = Int(round((1-param.sharevalidation)*length(y)))
x_train = x[1:n_train,:]; y_train = Float64.(y[1:n_train])
x_val = x[n_train+1:end,:]; y_val = Float64.(y[n_train+1:end])
# fit at parameters given by estimator, no cv!(estimator,x_train,y_train,(x_val,y_val),verbosity=-1)
yf_gbm_default = LightGBM.predict(estimator,x_test)
# parameter search over num_leaves and max_depth
splits = (collect(1:n_train),collect(1:min(n_train,100))) # goes around the problem that at least two training sets are required by search_cv (we want the first)
params = [Dict(:num_leaves => num_leaves,
:max_depth => max_depth) for
num_leaves in (4,16,32,64,127,256),
max_depth in (2,3,5,6,8)]
lightcv = LightGBM.search_cv(estimator,x,y,splits,params,verbosity=-1)
loss_cv = [lightcv[i][2]["validation"][estimator.metric[1]][1] for i in eachindex(lightcv)]
minind = argmin(loss_cv)
estimator.num_leaves = lightcv[minind][1][:num_leaves]
estimator.max_depth = lightcv[minind][1][:max_depth]
# re-fit at cv parameters!(estimator,x_train,y_train,(x_val,y_val),verbosity=-1)
yf_gbm = LightGBM.predict(estimator,x_test)
yf_gbm = yf_gbm[:,1] # drop the second dimension or a (n_test,1) matrix
println("\n oss RMSE from truth, μ, LightGBM default ", sqrt(sum((yf_gbm_default - μ_test).^2)/n_test) )
println(" oss RMSE from true μ, LightGBM cv ", sqrt(sum((yf_gbm - μ_test).^2)/n_test) )
println(" oos MAD from true μ, LightGBM cv ", mean(abs.(yf_gbm - μ_test)) )
# HTBoost partial plots
q,pdp = HTBpartialplot(data,output,[1,2,3,4],predict=:Egamma)
# plot partial dependence in terms of the natural parameter
pl = Vector(undef,4)
f,b = [f_1,f_2,f_3,f_4],[b1,b2,b3,b4]
for i in 1:length(pl)
pl[i] = plot( [q[:,i]],[pdp[:,i] f[i](q[:,i],b[i]) - f[i](q[:,i]*0,b[i])],
label = ["HTB" "dgp"],
legend = :bottomright,
linecolor = [:blue :red],
linestyle = [:solid :dot],
linewidth = [5 5],
titlefont = font(15),
legendfont = font(12),
xlabel = "x",
ylabel = "f(x)",
display(plot(pl[1], pl[2], pl[3], pl[4], layout=(2,2), size=(1300,800))) # display() will show it in Plots window.