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How to inform HTBoost about categorical features:

  • If cat_features is not specified, non-numerical features (e.g. Strings) are treated as categorical
  • If cat_features is specified, it can be a vector of Integers (positions), a vector of Strings (corresponding to data.fnames, which must be provided) or a vector of Symbols (the features' names in the dataframe).

Example of use: all categorical features are non-numerical.

    param = HTBparam()  

Example of use: specify positions in data.x

    param = HTBparam(cat_features=[1])
    param = HTBparam(cat_features=[1,9])

Example of use: specify names from data.fnames

    data = HTBdata(y,x,param,fnames=["country","industry","earnings","sales"]) 
    param = HTBparam(cat_features=["country","industry"])

Example of use: specify names in dataframe

    data = HTBdata(y,x) #  where x is DataFrame                           
    param = HTBparam(cat_features=[:country,:industry])         

How HTBoost handles categorical features:

  • Missing values are assigned to a new category.
  • If there are only 2 categories, a 0-1 dummy is created. For anything more than two categories, it uses a variation of target encoding.
  • The categories are encoded by their mean, frequency and variance. (For financial variables, the variance may be more informative than the mean.)
  • Smooth splits are particularly promising with target encoding, particularly in high dimensions (lots of categories).
  • One-hot-encoding with more than 2 categories is not supported, but is easily implemented as data preprocessing.
  • If modality is :accurate or :compromise, a quick and rough cross-validation is performed over two parameters:
    • The prior sample size n0 for target encoding.
    • The penalization attached to categorical features, which mitigates the over-representation of categorical features in the final model due to data leakage. (This seems to be a new approach to the problem: it has the advantage of being fast and using the entire sample. Data leakage remains, and implies that train set loss is lower than validation loss).

An example with simulated data

The code below simulate data from y = f(x1,x2) + u, where x1 is continuous and x2 is categorical of possibly very high dimensionality. Each category of x2 is assigned its own coefficient drawn from a distribution ("uniform", "normal", "chi", "lognormal"). The user can specify the form of f(x1,x2).

LightGBM does not use target encoding, and can completely break down (very poor in-sample and oos fit) when the number of categories is high in relation to n (e.g. n=10k,n_cat=1k). (The LightGBM manual suggests treating high dimensional categorical features as numerical or embedding them in a lower-dimensional space.)

CatBoost (note: code in separate Python file), in contrast, adopts target encoding as default, can handle very high dimensionality and has a sophisticated approach to avoiding data leakage which HTBoost is missing. In spite of the absence of data leakage (which would presumably benefit HTBoost as well), in this simple simulation set-up HTBoost substantially outperforms CatBoost if n_cat is high and the categorical feature interacts with the continuous feature, presumably because target encoding generates smooth functions in this set-up.
It seems reasonable to assume that target encoding, by its very nature, will generate smooth functions in most settings, making HTBoost a promising tool for high dimensional categorical features. The current treatment of categorical features is however quite crude compared to CatBoost, so some of these gains are not yet realized.

number_workers  = 8  # desired number of workers
using Distributed
nprocs()<number_workers ? addprocs( number_workers - nprocs()  ) : addprocs(0)
@everywhere using HTBoost

using Random
using Statistics
using LightGBM


# Options to generate data 


n          =     10_000   # sample size   
ncat       =     100     # number of categories (actual number may be lower as they are drawn with reimmission)

bcat       =     1.0      # coeff of categorical feature (if 0, categories are not predictive)
b1         =     1.0      # coeff of continuous feature 
stde       =     1.0      # error std

cat_distrib =   "chi"  # distribution for categorical effects: "uniform", "normal", "chi", "lognormal" for U(0,1), N(0,1), chi-square(1), lognormal(0,1)
interaction_type = "step" # "none", "multiplicative", "step", "linear"

# specify the function f(x1,x2), with the type of interaction (if any) between x1 (continuous) and x2 (categorical)
function yhat_x1xcat(b1,b2,x1,interaction_type)

    if interaction_type=="none"
        yhat = b2 + b1*x1
    elseif interaction_type=="multiplicative"     
        yhat = b2 + b1*b2*x1
    elseif interaction_type=="step"     
        yhat = b2 + b1*x1*(x1>0)    
    elseif interaction_type=="linear"  
        yhat = b2 + (b1-b2)*x1

    return yhat

# HTBoost parameters 
loss         = :L2
modality     = :compromise # :accurate, :compromise, :fast, :fastest
depth        = 3           # fix depth to speed up estimation  
nfold        = 1           # number of folds in cross-validation. 1 for fair comparison with LightGBM 
nofullsample = true        # true to speed up execution when nfold=1. true for fair comparison with LightGBM 
verbose      = :Off

cat_features = [2]       # The second feature is categorical. Needs to be an input in param (see below) since it is numerical.  

# LightGBM parameters 

# Accoding to the LightGBM manual (
# "For a categorical feature with high cardinality (#category is large), it often works best to treat the feature as numeric, either by simply ignoring the categorical interpretation of the integers or by embedding the categories in a low-dimensional numeric space."

ignore_cat_lightgbm = false  # true to ignore the categorical nature and treat as numerical in lightGBM 


# create data 
n_test  = 100_000 
cate            = collect(1:ncat)[randperm(ncat)]   # create numerical categories (integers) 
xcat,xcat_test  = rand(cate,n),rand(cate,n_test)    # draw element of categorical features from the list of categories
x,x_test        = hcat(randn(n),xcat),hcat(randn(n_test),xcat_test)
yhat,yhat_test  = zeros(n),zeros(n_test)

if cat_distrib=="uniform"
    b = bcat*rand(ncat)   # uniform fixed-effects
elseif cat_distrib=="normal"
    b = bcat*randn(ncat)  # Gaussian fixed effects
elseif cat_distrib=="chi"                        
    b = bcat*randn(ncat).^2 # chi(1) fixed effects (long tail)
elseif cat_distrib=="lognormal"                        
    b = bcat*exp.(randn(ncat)) # chi(1) fixed effects (very long tail)
    @error "cat_distribution is misspelled"

for r in 1:n
    b2 = b[findfirst(cate .== xcat[r])]
    yhat[r] = yhat_x1xcat(b1,b2,x[r,1],interaction_type) 

for r in 1:n_test
    b2 = b[findfirst(cate .== xcat_test[r])] 
    yhat_test[r] = yhat_x1xcat(b1,b2,x_test[r,1],interaction_type) 

y = yhat + stde*randn(n)
y_test = yhat_test + stde*randn(n_test)

# Fit HTBoost 
param  = HTBparam(loss=loss,modality=modality,depth=depth,nfold=nfold,nofullsample=nofullsample,verbose=verbose,cat_features=cat_features)
data   = HTBdata(y,x,param)
output = HTBfit(data,param,cv_grid=[depth])

ntrain = Int(round(n*(1-param.sharevalidation)))
yhat   = HTBpredict(x[1:ntrain,:],output) 
yf     = HTBpredict(x_test,output) 

println("\n n and number of unique features ", [n length(unique(xcat))])
println("\n HTBoost " )
println("\n in-sample R2           ", 1 - mean((yhat - y[1:ntrain]).^2)/var(y[1:ntrain])  )
println(" validation  R2         ", 1 - output.loss/var(y[ntrain+1:end]) )
println(" out-of-samplesample R2 ", 1 - mean((yf - y_test).^2)/var(y_test) )

println(" Average τ on categorical feature is low, suggesting gains from smoothness. ")
avgtau,gavgtau,avgtau_a,dftau,x_plot,g_plot = HTBweightedtau(output,data,verbose=true,best_model=false)

# LightGBM
if ignore_cat_lightgbm == true
    estimator = LGBMRegression(objective = "regression",num_iterations = 1000,early_stopping_round = 100)
    estimator = LGBMRegression(objective = "regression",num_iterations = 1000,early_stopping_round = 100,
            categorical_feature = cat_features)

n_train         = Int(round((1-param.sharevalidation)*length(y)))
x_train,y_train = x[1:n_train,:], Float64.(y[1:n_train])
x_val,y_val     = x[n_train+1:end,:], Float64.(y[n_train+1:end])

println(" \n Running LightGBM, which is usually lightning fast, but can be quite slow with high-dimensional categorical features.")!(estimator,x_train,y_train,(x_val,y_val),verbosity=-1)
yhat_gbm_default = LightGBM.predict(estimator,x)[:,1]
yf_gbm_default = LightGBM.predict(estimator,x_test)[:,1]

println("\n LightGBM default, ignore_cat_lightgbm = $ignore_cat_lightgbm  " )
println("\n in-sample R2      ", 1 - mean((yhat_gbm_default - y).^2)/var(y)  )
println(" out-of-sample R2  ", 1 - mean((yf_gbm_default - y_test).^2)/var(y_test) )