Here is the list of futures that needs to be implemented. The order represents importance and/or dependency.
- Biome-based world generation
- Update light only after blocks update - in order to avoid black spots in places of removed blocks
- Save and load player state
- Smooth lighting - average block light values at each vertex
- Run SPIR-V optimizer for compiled shaders
- Use background thread for chunk data compression/decompression
- When uderwater reduce fog distance and use other fog color
- Increase water level in non-full water blocks under the sky when it's raining
- Player physics - add gravity
- Player physics - perform proper cylinder to hex-prism collision
- Player physics - fix some edge cases with multiple block collision
- Player physics - limit velocity vector on collisions
- Trees generation with variable density
- Procedural tree models
- Ice blocks
- Burn wooden blocks first into charcoal blocks
- Chunk vertices allocator - make it faster (remove linear complexity)
- Plates (half-blocks)
- Vertically-splitted half-blocks
- Day-night cycle - change day time each tick
- Rain/snow
- More block types
- Extinguish fire during rain
- Tune burning probability for different block types
- Pipe blocks for fast directional water transfer
- Sparse chunk geometry update improvements - update area around player frequently, use direction of view, etc.