- Move webshop directory and install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- According to the instruction, download the data, setup the webserver and set environment variables
- Note: host webserver and all data on localhost as provided web-link ( by Webshop is not valid.
Note: Alternative setup procedure for steps 1 and 2:
- Install full list of requirements, merged with WebShop
pip install -r merged_requirements.txt
- Execute SpaCy download
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
- Clone the WebShop repository from here
- Download all necessary data specified in WebShop
- Run (in a separate terminal) the webserver. (Note: Stop/terminate and restart the webserver before each experiment.)
cd <path to webshop server directory>
Prepare OpenAI API key and put the key in
Run RAP on Webshop
python main.py
Following are the hyper-parametes for RAP.
- num_trials: Number of recursive trials. Default is 3.
- num_steps: Maximum steps in one task. Default is 50.
- model: Model to be used in evaluation. Default is "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct".
- output: Folder path to output logs and memory.
- emb_model: Embedding model to be used in evaluation. Default is "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2".
Also, Python 3.8.10 is recommended for evaluation. (Note: Current hard requirement of Python 3.8 due to incompatibility issues of pyserini/nmslib with python >= 3.9)