- PHP 7.0+
- Composer
- Users are able to claim unclaimed characters
- Users can unclaim characters
- Admins can create raids and fights.
- Admins can add player stats against given fights (dps, hps, etc).
- Users can view comparisons of DPS or HPS of given characters by going to the url /compare/{char1}/{char2}
- Allow administrators to release character claims.
- Allow administrators to assign characters to users.
This is a laravel application so if you are unsure how to deploy laravel please refer to the Laravel Documentation.
Assuming knowledge of Laravel follow the below steps.
- Clone the application to your server. (You can install from zip if you desire but then you would have to overwrite when the package changes).
- Copy .env.example to .env and configure your database connection.
- Generate a new app key
php artisan key:generate
. - Run the migrations
php artisan migrate
- Seed the database
php artisan db:seed
- Register as a user in the application http://example.com/register
- Run the following command to promote yourself to an administrator
php artisan promote:user
Change the following code, replacing 'My Guild' with your guild name (make sure the quotes remain).
'guild' => [ 'name' => 'My Guild', ],
By default the app name is Stats Tracker, you can change this if you desire by changing config/wow.php
and changing the app name, steps are similar to above guild name steps.
Open the fight > deaths > Events (instead of tables) > CSV