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Merge pull request #267 from PSLmodels/chisquare-test
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Add to assess area weights generated with different targets
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martinholmer authored Oct 30, 2024
2 parents 178493b + c411d1a commit a2cf733
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228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions tmd/areas/
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Conduct chi-square test of the similarity of two distributions of weights by
income tax liability categories for the same area that are generated using
different targets. The two area weights files are assumed to be located in
the tmd/areas/weights folder.
All test output is written to stdout; error messages are written to stderr.
For background information on the chi-square test that compares two
categorical (that is, binned) data sets, see Section 14.3: Are Two
Distributions Different? in Press, et al., Numerical Recipies in C:
The Art of Scientific Computing, Second Edition (Cambridge University
Press, 1992). This script uses the chi2_contingency function in the
Python scipy package, which is documented at the following URL:
Critical chi-square statistic values (say, at p=0.05) for large
degrees-of-freedom values (which equals numbins-1 in this test)
are available from the following online calculator:
For example: Xsq(p=0.05,dof= 100)= 124.34
Xsq(p=0.05,dof= 200)= 233.99
Xsq(p=0.05,dof=1000)= 1074.68
Xsq(p=0.05,dof=2000)= 2105.15
USAGE: python WGHT1 WGHT2 [numbins] [dump]
EXAMPLE using default numbins (equal to 100) and with no details dump:
areas% python pa08 pa08A

import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
from tmd.areas import AREAS_FOLDER
from import STORAGE_FOLDER

USAGE = "USAGE: python WGHT1 WGHT2 [numbins] [dump]"
CACHED_ITAX_PATH = STORAGE_FOLDER / "output" / "cached_iitax.npy"
TAX_YEAR = 2021
ITXBINS_DEFINED_USING_AREA_WEIGHTS = False # default is using national weights

def check_arguments():
Check validity of arguments and return the following tuple:
(wname1, wpath1, wname2, wpath2, numbins, dump)
containing name of and path to the WGHT1 and WGHT2 weights files,
plus requested number of income tax categories (or bins) and
whether or not detailed dump information is included in output.
numargs = len(sys.argv) - 1
if not 2 <= numargs <= 4:
f"ERROR: number of arguments not in [2,4] range\n{USAGE}\n"
all_ok = True
wname1 = sys.argv[1]
wpath1 = AREAS_FOLDER / "weights" / f"{wname1}_tmd_weights.csv.gz"
if not wpath1.exists():
sys.stderr.write(f"ERROR: WGHT1 {str(wpath1)} file does not exist\n")
all_ok = False
wname2 = sys.argv[2]
wpath2 = AREAS_FOLDER / "weights" / f"{wname2}_tmd_weights.csv.gz"
if not wpath2.exists():
sys.stderr.write(f"ERROR: WGHT2 {str(wpath2)} file does not exist\n")
all_ok = False
if not CACHED_ITAX_PATH.exists():
f"ERROR: {str(CACHED_ITAX_PATH)} file does not exist\n"
all_ok = False
if numargs >= 3:
numbins = int(sys.argv[3])
if numbins < MINIMUM_NUM_BINS:
f"ERROR: numbins must be no less than {MINIMUM_NUM_BINS}\n"
all_ok = False
dump = False
if numargs >= 4:
if sys.argv[4] == "dump":
dump = True
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: optional fourth argument must be dump\n")
all_ok = False
if not all_ok:
return (wname1, wpath1, wname2, wpath2, numbins, dump)

def weights_array(wghts_path: Path):
Return array containing TAX_YEAR weights in area weights file with wpath.
wdf = pd.read_csv(wghts_path)
warray = wdf[f"WT{TAX_YEAR}"]
return warray

def weighted_qcut_variable(values, weights, numbins):
Return weighted quantile bin variable for specified values.
quantiles = np.linspace(0, 1, numbins + 1)
order = weights.iloc[values.argsort()].cumsum()
bins = pd.cut(order / order.iloc[-1], quantiles, right=True, labels=False)
return bins.sort_index()

def sorted_vdf_with_itxbin(vdf: pd.DataFrame, numbins: int):
Expects vdf to include two area weights arrays and an itax array.
Returns itax-sorted vdf with added itxbin given NUM_BINS environ variable.
# check contents of vdf
assert "wght1" in vdf, "wght1 variable not in vdf"
assert "wght2" in vdf, "wght2 variable not in vdf"
assert "itax" in vdf, "itax variable not in vdf"
# add itxbin variable to vdf
wght = 0.5 * (vdf.wght1 + vdf.wght2)
else: # using national weights
wght = weights_array(STORAGE_FOLDER / "output" / "tmd_weights.csv.gz")
vdf["itxbin"] = weighted_qcut_variable(vdf.itax, wght, numbins)
# return sorted vdf
vdf.sort_values("itax", inplace=True)
return vdf

# -- High-level logic of the script:

def main(
wname1: str,
wpath1: Path,
wname2: str,
wpath2: Path,
numbins: int,
dump: bool,
Conduct chi-square two-variable test using the WGHT1 weights (wpath1)
and the WGHT2 weights (wpath2), which are weights for the same area
generated using different targets, using specified income tax numbins.
# read cached iitax amounts, which are the same for each area weights file
itax = np.load(CACHED_ITAX_PATH)

# construct vdf DataFrame and sort it and add itxbin variable to it
wght1 = weights_array(wpath1)
wght2 = weights_array(wpath2)
assert len(wght1) == len(wght2) == len(itax)
vdf = pd.DataFrame({"wght1": wght1, "wght2": wght2, "itax": itax})
vdf = sorted_vdf_with_itxbin(vdf, numbins)
if dump:
print("***** vdf=\n", vdf)
pct = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, num=9)
print("***** vdf.describe=\n", vdf.describe(percentiles=pct))

# prepare frequency data for chi-square test
unweighted_count = len(vdf)
wght1_sum = wght1.sum()
wght2_sum = wght2.sum()
if dump:
print(f"***** {wname1:>5}_weight_total= {wght1_sum:.5f}")
print(f"***** {wname2:>5}_weight_total= {wght2_sum:.5f}")
ratio = wght2_sum / wght1_sum
print(f"***** ==> ratio= {ratio:.8f}")
gvdf = vdf.groupby(by=["itxbin"], sort=False, observed=True)
if dump:
itxtop = gvdf["itax"].max()
print("***** itax_at_bin_top=\n", itxtop)
freq1 = (unweighted_count / wght1_sum) * gvdf["wght1"].sum()
freq2 = (unweighted_count / wght2_sum) * gvdf["wght2"].sum()
if dump:
fdf = pd.DataFrame({"freq1": freq1, "freq2": freq2})
pct = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, num=9)
print("***** freq.describe=\n", fdf.describe(percentiles=pct))
assert len(freq1) == len(freq2)
assert np.allclose([freq1.sum()], [freq2.sum()])
witax1 = (wght1 * itax).sum() * 1e-9
witax2 = (wght2 * itax).sum() * 1e-9
witax_ratio = witax2 / witax1
f"{wname1},{wname2}_weighted_iitax($B)= {witax1:.3f} {witax2:.3f}"
f" ===> ratio= {witax_ratio:.4f}"
min_bin_cnt = min(np.min(freq1), np.min(freq2))
print(f"numbins,minimum_bin_freqency_count= {numbins} {min_bin_cnt:.1f}")
if min_bin_cnt < 5:
if numbins > MINIMUM_NUM_BINS:
print("WARNING: reduce value of numbins command-line argument")
print(" to get minimum_bin_fredquency_count above five")
print("WARNING: minimum_bin_fredquency_count is below five")
print(" so use TMD_AREA_ITXBINS=1 environment variable")
return 1

# conduct chi-square test
print("Conducting chi-square two-variable independence test:")
ctable = pd.DataFrame({"1": freq1, "2": freq2})
res = chi2_contingency(ctable)
print(f"Xsq_statistic= {res.statistic:.3f}")
print(f"Xsq_test_pval= {res.pvalue:.3f} where dof= {res.dof}")
if dump:
print("***** Xsq(pval=0.05,dof= 100)= 124.34")
print("***** Xsq(pval=0.05,dof= 200)= 233.99")
print("***** Xsq(pval=0.05,dof=1000)= 1074.68")
print("***** Xsq(pval=0.05,dof=2000)= 2105.15")

return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
if "TMD_AREA_ITXBINS" in os.environ:
awname1, awpath1, awname2, awpath2, num_bins, dump_ = check_arguments()
RCODE = main(awname1, awpath1, awname2, awpath2, num_bins, dump_)
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion tmd/areas/
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AREA prefix for state areas are the two lower-case character postal codes.
AREA prefix for congressional districts are the state prefix followed by
two digits (with a leading zero) identifying the district. States with
only one congressional district have 00 as the two digits.
only one congressional district have 00 as the two digits to align names
with IRS data.

import sys
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OPTIMIZE_IPRINT = 0 # 20 is a good diagnostic value; set to 0 for production
OPTIMIZE_RESULTS = False # set to True to see complete optimization results

# assumption about which Congress the congressional districts are defined for:
# ... 2010 implies districts for the 117th Congress
# ... 2020 implies districts for the 118th Congress

def valid_area(area: str):
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