This CLI application allows users to send emails to Official and Personal users. The application also stores details of all the sent mail and all the saved contacts of the users. The application automatically sends Birthday wishes to personal contacts on their birthdays.
- Fork and clone this GIT Repository
- Download the zipped folder of this repository and extract it on your local computer
The following libraries are required for sending the emails via a mail service provider (Gmail used here)
- javax.mail.jar
- activation-1.1.1.jar
The dependencies are placed in the lib
- Add user contacts as Official, Official Friend and Personnal
- Send emails to any contact. The structure of the email will be adjusted automatically according to the type of the contact.
- Automatically send birthday wishes to personal contacts and official friends.
- View all send emails on a given date
- View all contacts that have birthdays on a specified date
- View the total number of contacts in the application
Enter your email and app password for the mail client app in the
file within the MailService class
Run the
file and this will open the CLI interface. The available options will be displayed in the CLI interface
1 - Add new recipients - Add new recipients to the program
Official: nimal,,ceo
Office_friend: kamal,,clerk,2000/12/12
Personal: sunil,<nick-name>,,2000/10/10
2 - Sending an email - Send an email to the given mail address of the client,<Subject>,<Content>
3 - Print out the recipients how have their birthdays on the current date
4 - Printing out details (subject and recipient) of all the emails sent on a date specified by user input
5 - Printing out the number of recipient objects in the application
- Restrict adding duplicate users - using a hash function or hash table
- Use threads to make the process of sending emails non-blocking
- v1.0 - This version is a CLI tool only meeting the minimum user requirements specified by the user.
Chathura Gunasekara @PRO-GUNE