The template is served for private math homework writing, and I upgraded some existed environments so that it is specialized and suits my own writing habit better.
I don't really like vaious colorful fancy tcolorbox
es, so propositions, theorems, lemmas and corollaries are just plain text without highlighted using various colors, though I did use some not-that-fancy colorboxes for extension
and remark
The template includes some improved environments.
- Solution environments (differed by whether the line is skipped after
, before the content.)soln
serves for problems that have different parts, so it would be better and looks like
Solution. (a) ... (b) ...
serves for problems that only have one part, which would be likeSolution. I claimed that ...
%%% Reference: \newenvironment{myproof}[1][\proofname]{\par \pushQED{\qed}% \normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax \trivlist \item[\hskip\labelsep \itshape #1\@addpunct{.} ]\mbox{}\par\nobreak} {\popQED\endtrivlist\@endpefalse} \makeatother \newenvironment{soln}[1][Solution]{% \begin{myproof}[#1] }% {\end{myproof}} \makeatother \newenvironment{solution}[1][Solution]{ \begin{proof}[Solution][#1]}{\end{proof}}
for proof inside solution and lemmas, differed by different qed symbols, including\clubsuit
, done by the following code:
\begin{proof}[#1] \renewcommand{\qedsymbol}{$\clubsuit$}}%
\begin{proof}[#1] \renewcommand{\qedsymbol}{$\blacksquare$}}%
- Directly using
to show Problem #1, 2, 3, ... (can be directly shown in the table of content, as an advantage comparing to\section*{Problem \#1}
{Problem \#\thetitle}
{section} % which level does it apply to, e.g. chapter, section, ...
[1in] % left margin
{} % code executed before the tocline
{Problem \#\thecontentslabel} % format for numbered entries
{Problem \#\thecontentslabel} % format for unnumbered entries
{\titlerule*[0.5pc]{$\cdot$}\contentspage\hspace*{1in}} % format for filler page
- Using
environment (though if a pagebreak exists in the middle, it seems to work not quite well, feel free to report issues and improvement method!)
\newenvironment{remark}[1][\textbf{Remark}]{\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced, coltitle=black, frame code={\path[draw=black, line width=2pt]
([yshift=-4.5pt]frame.north west) -- ([yshift=10pt]frame.south west);}, colback=white, adjusted title=#1, left=8pt, right=8pt, breakable=true]}{\end{tcolorbox}}
\newenvironment{extension}[1][\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Extension}}]{\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced, coltitle=black, frame code={\path[draw=blue, line width=2pt]
([yshift=-4.5pt]frame.north west) -- ([yshift=10pt]frame.south west);}, colback=white, adjusted title=#1, left=8pt, right=8pt, breakable=true]}{\end{tcolorbox}}
- Add