Deglobalize wallet.isHardwareWallet #348
Draft / mpw
Apr 17, 2024 in 1m 17s
Build succeed
You can preview build output on the link below.
Deploy started at 2024-04-17T15:04:15.549Z
2024-04-17T15:04:16.444Z: Deploy started
2024-04-17T15:04:18.357Z: Docker image: 'node:slim'
2024-04-17T15:04:18.357Z: Build command: 'npm i && npm run build'
2024-04-17T15:04:18.357Z: Triggering build execution...
2024-04-17T15:04:50.957Z: npm WARN deprecated stable@0.1.8: Modern JS already guarantees Array#sort() is a stable sort, so this library is deprecated. See the compatibility table on MDN:
2024-04-17T15:04:53.664Z: npm WARN deprecated popper.js@1.16.1: You can find the new Popper v2 at @popperjs/core, this package is dedicated to the legacy v1
2024-04-17T15:04:56.951Z: > mypivxwallet@1.5.1 postinstall
2024-04-17T15:04:56.951Z: > test -f chain_params.json || cp chain_params.json
2024-04-17T15:04:56.975Z: added 916 packages, and audited 917 packages in 13s
2024-04-17T15:04:56.975Z: 169 packages are looking for funding
2024-04-17T15:04:56.975Z: run `npm fund` for details
2024-04-17T15:04:56.977Z: found 0 vulnerabilities
2024-04-17T15:04:56.977Z: npm notice
2024-04-17T15:04:56.977Z: npm notice New patch version of npm available! 10.5.0 -> 10.5.2
2024-04-17T15:04:56.977Z: npm notice Changelog: <>
2024-04-17T15:04:56.977Z: npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@10.5.2` to update!
2024-04-17T15:04:56.977Z: npm notice
2024-04-17T15:04:57.233Z: > mypivxwallet@1.5.1 build
2024-04-17T15:04:57.233Z: > webpack --config
2024-04-17T15:05:02.189Z: [@vue/compiler-sfc] `defineEmits` is a compiler macro and no longer needs to be imported.
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: assets by chunk 3.79 MiB (auxiliary name: main)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: assets by path *.woff 2.82 MiB 108 assets
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: assets by path *.woff2 977 KiB 100 assets
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: + 1 asset
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: assets by path ./*.js 2.48 MiB
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: assets by chunk 809 KiB (id hint: vendors) 9 assets
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: + 24 assets
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: assets by path *.ttf 692 KiB
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: asset bacd5de623fb563b961a.ttf 410 KiB [emitted] [immutable] [from: node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf] [big]
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: asset 60127e352b7a11f7f1bc.ttf 204 KiB [emitted] [immutable] [from: node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf]
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: + 2 assets
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: assets by path *.wasm 2.8 MiB
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: asset 5e3b5d4914d5f552df84.wasm 1.53 MiB [emitted] [immutable] [from: node_modules/pivx-shield-rust-multicore/pivx_shield_rust_bg.wasm] [big] (auxiliary id hint: vendors)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: asset 0d07c41ea360385b51bf.wasm 1.27 MiB [emitted] [immutable] [from: node_modules/pivx-shield-rust/pivx_shield_rust_bg.wasm] [big] (auxiliary id hint: vendors)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: + 18 assets
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: Entrypoint main [big] 1.78 MiB (9.98 MiB) = main.css 352 KiB ./mpw.js 1.44 MiB 211 auxiliary assets
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: orphan modules 3.48 MiB (javascript) 4.8 MiB (asset) 130 KiB (runtime) [orphan] 1289 modules
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: runtime modules 34.3 KiB 84 modules
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: built modules 4.75 MiB (javascript) 438 KiB (css/mini-extract) 5.25 MiB (asset) [built]
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: javascript modules 4.31 MiB 548 modules
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: css modules 438 KiB
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: modules by path ./node_modules/@fontsource/montserrat/ 105 KiB 116 modules
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: modules by path ./scripts/ 2.66 KiB 4 modules
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: + 4 modules
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: json modules 449 KiB 24 modules
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: asset modules 3.36 KiB (javascript) 5.25 MiB (asset)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: modules by path ./assets/ 3.28 KiB (javascript) 2.46 MiB (asset) 4 modules
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: modules by path ./node_modules/ 84 bytes (javascript) 2.8 MiB (asset) 2 modules
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: WARNING in [entry]
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: Circular dependency between chunks with runtime (39, 420, main, 812)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: This prevents using hashes of each other and should be avoided.
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: This can impact web performance.
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: Assets:
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: bacd5de623fb563b961a.ttf (410 KiB)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: main.css (352 KiB)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: ./mpw.js (1.44 MiB)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: 8cfe53553b30cd53b4cb.mp3 (2.39 MiB)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: 5e3b5d4914d5f552df84.wasm (1.53 MiB)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: 0d07c41ea360385b51bf.wasm (1.27 MiB)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: ./119.mpw.js (341 KiB)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: Entrypoints:
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: main (1.78 MiB)
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: main.css
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: ./mpw.js
2024-04-17T15:05:25.919Z: webpack 5.91.0 compiled with 3 warnings in 27775 ms
2024-04-17T15:05:29.415Z: Deployed to IPFS and got the hash:
2024-04-17T15:05:29.415Z: QmPfyenHkVDdZ4KRgS77PtqYKCKpiWaewFMjokHnvtqUVX
2024-04-17T15:05:29.415Z: Checking content availability on IPFS...
2024-04-17T15:05:31.322Z: You can preview this build on :