To build the application, make sure you have GoLang (v1.11+) installed.
go build
To test the application, make sure you have GoLang (v1.11+) installed.
go test
You can use either an URL where a Geopackage can be downloaded or use a local Geopackage. The HTML files will be stored in a 'output' folder.
Example with an URL:
go run main.go -gpkg-url
Example with a local file:
go run main.go -gpkg-path /home/user/downloads/afvalwater.gpkg
You can use either an URL where a Geopackage can be downloaded or use a local Geopackage.
Example with an URL:
gpkg-to-featureinfo-texthtml -gpkg-url
Example with a local file:
gpkg-to-featureinfo-texthtml -gpkg-path /home/user/downloads/afvalwater.gpkg
You can use either an URL where a Geopackage can be downloaded or use a local Geopackage.
Example with an URL:
gpkg-to-featureinfo-texthtml.exe -gpkg-url
Example with a local file:
gpkg-to-featureinfo-texthtml.exe -gpkg-path C:\files\afvalwater.gpkg
First you need to build the Docker image. This can be acchieved by running:
docker build -t pdok/gpkg-to-featureinfo-texthtml:0.1 .
You could use this container by running:
docker run -v /tmp/output:/ouput -t pdok/gpkg-to-featureinfo-texthtml:0.1 gpkg-to-featureinfo-texthtml -gpkg-url