Own Blockchain SDK for Go
$ git clone https://github.com/OwnMarket/own-blockchain-sdk-go.git
$ cd own-blockchain-sdk-go
Run tests:
$ go test -v
Fetch Own Blockchain SDK for Go package
$ go get github.com/OwnMarket/own-blockchain-sdk-go
Use the package in Go code
package main
import (
ownSdk "github.com/OwnMarket/own-blockchain-sdk-go"
func main() {
// Create a new wallet
wallet := ownSdk.GenerateWallet()
// Compose a transaction with nonce = 1 and actionFee = 0.1
tx := ownSdk.CreateTx(wallet.Address, 1, 0.1, 0)
tx.AddTransferChxAction("CHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 100) // Transfer 100 CHX to CHxxx... address.
// Look at the raw transaction in JSON format
// Sign the transaction for submission to node API on TestNet
signedTx := tx.Sign(networkCode, wallet.PrivateKey)