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Overture Maps Landscape

Overture Maps Landscape Logo

This landscape is intended as a map to explore the Overture Maps Ecosystem, and also shows the member companies of the Overture Maps Foundation. It is modeled after the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) landscape and based on the same open-source code.

This repository contains the data files and images required to generate the Overture Maps Landscape. The software that generates it can be found at the cncf/landscape2 repository. Please see its README file for more information about how it works.

New Entries and Corrections

All the data in this repository is built nightly using the LFX Landscape Tools. Any changes made directly in the data files in this repository will be overwritten.

If you cannot access the above resources, please create a helpdesk ticket to request those changes.

Local Build and Install

You can build the landscape locally on your machine using the landscape2 tool. Once installed, you can use the commands below to build the landscape and serve it locally.

landscape2 build --data-file landscape.yml --settings-url --logos-path hosted_logos --output-dir build
landscape2 serve --landscape-dir build


The generated landscape contains data received from Crunchbase. This data is not licensed pursuant to the Apache License. It is subject to Crunchbase’s Data Access Terms, available at, and is only permitted to be used with Overture Maps Landscape projects.

Everything else is under the Apache License, Version 2.0, except for projects and product logos, which are generally copyrighted by the company that created them and are simply cached here for reliability. The generated landscape and the landscape.yml file are alternatively available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.