Simple Docker container that fetches public and private Keys from NordVPN w/ Wireguard.
Stemmed from discussion: qdm12/gluetun-wiki#15
In trying to start my NordVPN network container with Wireguard, it required a private key that was only attainable in a Linux VM. I wanted an easier way to retrieve these credentials without having to create a Linux VM and thought using a script in a Ubuntu container would do the trick.
The ultimate goal is to help people who may not have the necessary background to go through creation of a VM and enable a faster turnaround in trying to get these keys.
- Either pulling from Docker Hub or building this image locally.
- Local build sample command:
docker build -t nordcreds .
- Local build sample command:
- Docker installed. I'm on MacOS so I have docker-desktop.
Ensure that you have your NordVPN Access Token found in the NordVPN UI -> Get Access Token.
Once obtained, we will need to export the token so that docker compose
can use the token.
export NORD_ACCESS_TOKEN=x9f234sb80lpo26d96bc4c490b99a1e039bb86m94k2a9z321e8a31797b51b # Token is a sample, please replace with your own
Now we should be all set to grab our details, run docker compose up
✗ docker compose up
[+] Running 1/0
✔ Container nordcreds-nordvpn-1 Created 0.0s
Attaching to nordvpn-1
nordvpn-1 | --------------------------------
nordvpn-1 | Logging into NordVPN
nordvpn-1 | Welcome to NordVPN! You can now connect to VPN by using 'nordvpn connect'.
nordvpn-1 |
nordvpn-1 | NOTE: By default, all users who are members of the 'nordvpn' group have permission to control the NordVPN application.
nordvpn-1 | To limit access exclusively to the root user, remove all users from the 'nordvpn' group.
nordvpn-1 | --------------------------------
nordvpn-1 | Connecting to NordVPN
nordvpn-1 | Connecting to United States #0001 (
nordvpn-1 | You are connected to United States #0001 (!
nordvpn-1 | --------------------------------
nordvpn-1 | Retrieving Public and Private Keys
nordvpn-1 | ---------------------------------
nordvpn-1 | >public_key: PUBLIC_KEY123xyzsample
nordvpn-1 | >private_key: PRIVATE_KEY123xyzsample
nordvpn-1 | Put these into a credentials file such as: nordcredentials.enc
nordvpn-1 | Encrypt them with ansible or similar: ansible-vault encrypt nordcredentials.enc
nordvpn-1 |
nordvpn-1 | Script completed successfully.
nordvpn-1 exited with code 0
The container will run and spit out the public_key
and private_key
. Utilize these as needed but I highly recommend to encrypt them.