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Supplier Microservice

DEPRECATED Functionality moved to service business-partner

This currently provides backend api and react components using the backend. The components are being embedded in bnp service frontend SPA.


Running application

In supplier directory, run docker-compose up. After it is up and running, go to localhost:8080/supplier in browser.



docker service create --name supplier --log-driver gelf --log-opt gelf-address=udp:// --log-opt tag="supplier" --publish mode=host,target=3001,published=3001 --dns-search service.consul --env NODE_ENV=production --env SERVICE_NAME=supplier --env PORT=3001 --env SERVICE_TAGS=kong --env SERVICE_3001_CHECK_HTTP=/api/suppliers --env SERVICE_3001_CHECK_INTERVAL=15s --env SERVICE_3001_CHECK_TIMEOUT=3s opuscapita/supplier:dev

React Components

There are four react components. Look at how to use them here

The react components are compiled and bundled into libraries using webpack. These are:

Component Library Name Bundle name
SupplierRegistrationEditor supplier-registration registration-bundle
SupplierEditor supplier-information information-bundle
SupplierContactEditor supplier-contact contact-bundle
SupplierAddressEditor supplier-address address-bundle
SupplierBankAccountEditor supplier-bank_accounts bank_accounts-bundle
SupplierSearch supplier-directory directory-bundle
SupplierApproval supplier-access_approval access_approval-bundle
SupplierAutocomplete supplier-autocomplete autocomplete-bundle

Integration of a Service in Other Services

Libraries are dynamically loaded to Integrate the library into your service as follows:


  • Add scriptjs as a dependcy in your package.json file, if not there.

  • Make sure the output filename in webpack config of the library you are adding has prefix components, i.e. components/bundle.js.

  • Add opuscapita react-loaders to your package.json file - "@opuscapita/react-loaders": "^0.1.5".


  • Import serviceComponent: import serviceComponent from '@opuscapita/react-loaders/lib/serviceComponent';.

  • Preload the component using serviceCompment by adding the following to your componentWillMount function. For example:

    let serviceRegistry = (service) => ({ url: `http://localhost:3000/isodata` });
      const CountryField = serviceComponent({ serviceRegistry, serviceName: 'isodata' , moduleName: 'isodata-countries', jsFileName: 'countries-bundle' });
      this.externalComponents = { CountryField };
  • Use the component as follows in your render function:

    const { CountryField } = this.externalComponents;
    <CountryField ... />

Different versions for embeded services:

Case studies


  • Minor version difference (e.g. react v15.4.2 and react v15.5.4) not a problem. Works fine.
  • Major version difference a problem, because some for example some components of the new version which does not exist in the old version can be used.


  • Minor version difference (e.g. 1.8.3 and 1.6.0) not a problem. Works fine.
  • Minor version difference (e.g. 1.8.3 and 0.6.0) not a problem. Works fine.

This post on understanding npm dependency model explains in detail how npm manages different versions and when it would result in problems as the case of React.

Building Multi-part Library

Mult-part libraries can be built with webpack. See example here.


import (component) from 'supplier-alpha' for supplier-alpha and import (component) from 'supplier-beta' for supplier-beta.

CSS and Integration of Services

Same CSS class names and/or ids in Services

When css is bundled with webpack, it does not scope the CSS classes to the scope of the bundle, so styles defined in both services having the same CSS class name or id will conflict.

A solution will be to scope/prefix all custom CSS class names and ids with the service name.