A command-line application written in Python that can be used for scraping information from Likee.
No installation required
Get user-id using username
LikeeScraper user_id -un <username>
Get user info from Likee api
LikeeScraper user_info -ui <user-id>
Get user post counts
LikeeScraper user_post_count -ui <user-id>
Get 50 user videos
LikeeScraper user_videos -ui <user-id> -l 50
Get 50 trending videos
LikeeScraper trending_videos -l 50
Get trending hashtags
LikeeScraper trending_hashtags -l 50
Get videos by hashtag-id
LikeeScraper hashtag_videos -hi <hashtag-id> -l 50
Get the comments for a video
LikeeScraper video_comments -vu <video-url> -l 50
To save results to a JSON file use -o and specify the filename to save the results to.
To download videos use -d and set to True
Language, country and the directory to download videos to can be specified in the config dictionary within scraper.py