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Import and publish Government Publications through the WordPress REST API.


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Plugin Open Government Publications

This WordPress plugin imports government publications from into WordPress and exposes them through the REST API.



After installation of the plugin (see Installation), open the plugin settings page by navigating to "Open Publications" -> "Settings". An import process should automatically start after an organization on the settings page has been configured. If not, navigate to "Open Publications" -> "Import options" and start a manual import process.

When publications have been imported, they are automatically exposed through the WordPress REST API. The main endpoint can be found at:

Search publications

Search through all publications. Optionally filter the results by using the parameters below.

Endpoint: /wp-json/owc/openpub/v1/search

Parameters: All parameters are optional.

Parameter Type Values Effect Default
s string The search query. "" (empty)
limit int Limit the list of returned publications to the specified amount. 20
page int The page number for multipage results. 1
order string The column to sort on. "date"
orderby string "ASC" or "DESC" The sorting direction. "DESC"
open_govpub_type string Find publications that are within this type. Expects the type' slug. "" (empty)

Publication types

Publications are of a certain type. This endpoint exposes the list of available types. Uses WP_Term as storage.

Endpoint: /wp-json/owc/openpub/v1/types

Parameters: All parameters are optional.

Parameter Type Values Effect Default
return string "object", "array", "" Return all WP_Term data. Omitting this parameter returns a key=>value list of the slug and name. ""
hide_empty bool 0 or 1 Either hide or show empty types. Pass a 1 to show empty types. 1


For users

  1. Download the latest release from the releases page
  2. Unzip and move all files to the /wp-content/plugins/open-government-publications directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the WordPress admin interface
  4. Open the plugin settings page by navigating to "Open Publications" -> "Settings".

An import process should automatically start after an organization on the settings page has been configured. If not, navigate to "Open Publications" -> "Import options" and start a manual import process.

Configuring an actual Cronjob is highly recommended.

For developers

To contribute to this project, you will need to download Composer and NPM.

  1. Clone this repository to your machine and/or WordPress installation
  2. Use Composer (composer install) and NPM (npm i) to install the required dependencies
  3. Run npm run watch to automatically rebuild assest whenever a file changes or run npm run build for a one-off build.

To create an optimized and zipped build, run the script. This also requires Composer and NPM to run.

Please adhere to the PSR-12 coding standard when adding changes to this plugin. For more information, view the PHP-FIG website.


Please see for more information on what has changed recently.


Please make sure you have installed the dev dependencies and run:

$ composer test
$ composer phplint
$ composer phpcompatibility

This project also uses Psalm for code analysis:

$ composer psalm


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


Import and publish Government Publications through the WordPress REST API.




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