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Fix get_limits docs #1737

Fix get_limits docs

Fix get_limits docs #1737

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.
name: OpenC3 CLI Tests
# Only run on a push to master to avoid running for all the dependabot PRs
branches: [main]
branches: [main]
if: ${{ != 'dependabot[bot]' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: build
# This `shell` line is required to get around a known issue:
shell: 'script -q -e -c "bash {0}"'
run: ./ build
- name: run
shell: 'script -q -e -c "bash {0}"'
run: |
set -e
! docker ps | grep openc3
./ run
sleep 10s
docker ps | grep openc3
- name: stop
shell: 'script -q -e -c "bash {0}"'
run: |
set -e
./ stop
sleep 20s
! docker ps | grep openc3
- name: start
shell: 'script -q -e -c "bash {0}"'
run: |
set -e
./ start
sleep 30s
docker ps | grep openc3
# Not testing dev, test
- name: util encode,hash
shell: 'script -q -e -c "bash {0}"'
run: |
set -e
./ util | grep Usage || true
./ util encode hello | grep aGVsbG8=
./ util hash hello | grep 2cf24d
- name: util tag
shell: 'script -q -e -c "bash {0}"'
run: |
set -e
./ util tag | grep "Usage: tag" || true
./ util tag localhost:12345 openc3inc latest openc3 mine
docker image ls | grep localhost:12345/openc3/openc3-cosmos-cmd-tlm-api | grep mine
docker image ls | grep localhost:12345/openc3/openc3-cosmos-script-runner-api | grep mine
docker image ls | grep localhost:12345/openc3/openc3-cosmos-init | grep mine
docker image ls | grep localhost:12345/openc3/openc3-operator | grep mine
docker image ls | grep localhost:12345/openc3/openc3-minio | grep mine
docker image ls | grep localhost:12345/openc3/openc3-redis | grep mine
docker image ls | grep localhost:12345/openc3/openc3-traefik | grep mine
- name: util generate
shell: 'script -q -e -c "bash {0}"'
run: |
set -e
### PLUGIN ###
./ cliroot generate | grep "Unknown generator" || true
./ cliroot generate plugin | grep "Usage" || true
./ cliroot generate plugin cli-test
./ cliroot generate plugin cli-test | grep "already exists" || true
cd openc3-cosmos-cli-test
../ cliroot rake build VERSION=1.0.0
../ cliroot validate openc3-cosmos-cli-test-1.0.0.gem
### TARGET ###
../ cliroot generate target MY-cli
# Verify the target name 'MY_CLI' and lib filename 'my_cli.rb'
ls targets/MY_CLI/lib | grep my_cli.rb
../ cliroot rake build VERSION=1.0.1
../ cliroot validate openc3-cosmos-cli-test-1.0.1.gem
../ cliroot generate microservice background
# Verify the microservice name 'BACKGROUND' and filename 'background.rb'
ls microservices/BACKGROUND | grep background.rb
../ cliroot rake build VERSION=1.0.2
../ cliroot validate openc3-cosmos-cli-test-1.0.2.gem
../ cliroot generate conversion MY_CLI upcase
# Verify the conversion filename 'upcase_conversion.rb'
ls targets/MY_CLI/lib | grep upcase_conversion.rb
../ cliroot rake build VERSION=1.0.3
../ cliroot validate openc3-cosmos-cli-test-1.0.3.gem
../ cliroot generate limits_response MY_CLI example
# Verify the conversion filename 'example_limits_response.rb'
ls targets/MY_CLI/lib | grep example_limits_response.rb
../ cliroot rake build VERSION=1.0.3
../ cliroot validate openc3-cosmos-cli-test-1.0.3.gem
- name: util save,load
shell: 'script -q -e -c "bash {0}"'
run: |
set -e
./ util save openc3inc latest
# Verify the images were saved
ls tmp | grep openc3-cosmos-cmd-tlm-api-latest.tar
ls tmp | grep openc3-cosmos-script-runner-api-latest.tar
ls tmp | grep openc3-cosmos-init-latest.tar
ls tmp | grep openc3-operator-latest.tar
ls tmp | grep openc3-minio-latest.tar
ls tmp | grep openc3-redis-latest.tar
ls tmp | grep openc3-traefik-latest.tar
docker image rm openc3inc/openc3-cosmos-cmd-tlm-api:latest
docker image rm openc3inc/openc3-cosmos-script-runner-api:latest
docker image rm openc3inc/openc3-cosmos-init:latest
docker image rm openc3inc/openc3-operator:latest
docker image rm openc3inc/openc3-minio:latest
docker image rm openc3inc/openc3-redis:latest
docker image rm openc3inc/openc3-traefik:latest
./ util load
# Verify the images were loaded
docker image ls | grep openc3-cosmos-cmd-tlm-api
docker image ls | grep openc3-cosmos-script-runner-api
docker image ls | grep openc3-cosmos-init
docker image ls | grep openc3-operator
docker image ls | grep openc3-minio
docker image ls | grep openc3-redis
docker image ls | grep openc3-traefik
- name: Cleanup volumes
shell: 'script -q -e -c "bash {0}"'
run: |
set -e
docker volume ls | grep openc3
./ cleanup force
! docker volume ls | grep openc3