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nAttrMon Objects

Nuno Aguiar edited this page Oct 26, 2020 · 23 revisions

Current objects

The following is a list of the current objects base for Inputs, Outputs and Validations:

Type Name Category Description
Input nInput_AFPing RAID Executes the RAID Ping AF operation to determine if an instance is responsive.
Input nInput_BPMDebugChecks RAID Checks the database & memory debug levels and any existing trace execution on BPM flows.
Input nInput_CBPMDebugChecks RAID Checks the database & memory debug levels on CBPM flows.
Input nInput_CBPMSemaphores RAID Checks the values of RAID's instance semaphores.
Input nInput_DB DB Executes a SQL query and returns the result as input.
Input nInput_EndPoints OS Test for reachability/expected availability of HTTP(s) URLs or TCP ports.
Input nInput_FMSRuleStatus RAID Gets each RAID FMS engine rule status (active, inactive, inactive by anti-flooding)
Input nInput_Filesystem OS Per unix mount point gets the total, used, free and % used space and inode totals (locally or remotely).
Input nInput_FilesystemCount OS Per filepath and filename regular expression filter, returns the total count and size, the min, max and avg size of existing files, the date of the newest file and oldest file (locally or remotely).
Input nInput_HTTPJson OS Retrieves a json parsed content from a HTTP/HTTPs external URL and makes it the content of the corresponding attribute. It allows to apply a selector or even a function to filter the results to be stored on the attribute.
Input nInput_IMAbnormalLoadings RAID Checks for IM loadings that didn't process the expected number of records.
Input nInput_IMLoadingsProgress RAID Monitor the specified IM block types loading progress by number of runs, min, max, avg records processed, etc.
Input nInput_IMMemory RAID Returns the current RAID instance reported IM memory.
Input nInput_LogErrorAgg OS Given a regular expression pattern returns the number of occurrences of that pattern in specific files (useful to aggregate the count of Java exceptions on a log file, for example).
Input nInput_OSInfo OS Returns the operating system load, load average, free, swap and commit memory.
Input nInput_RAIDMemory RAID Returns the current RAID instance reported memory.
Input nInput_RunningFlows RAID Returns the current BPM running flows.
Input nInput_Semaphores RAID Returns the current BPM semaphores values.
Input nInput_Sessions RAID Returns the current sessions list for a RAID instance.
Input nInput_Shell OS Executes (locally or remotely) and returns the output of a shell command (parsing or not the output as JSON).
Input nInput_Channel Input Channel Receives attributes from another nAttrMon or OpenAF script.
Input nInput_RemoteChannel Input Channel Retrieves attributes from another nAttrMon or OpenAF script through an OpenAF channel.
Input nInput_Schedulers RAID Checks when each scheduler entry executed and when the next is scheduled to execute.
Input nInput_CompareTimes OS Compares the time difference between a RAID application server and corresponding connected databases.
Input nInput_DMPerformance RAID Measure performance of Data Model queries vs direct database SQL queries.
Input nInput_EndPoints OS Check if a port or http endpoint si reachable within certain criteria (e.g. timeout, response, ...)
Output nOutput_DSV Output DSV Outputs a specific set of attributes or warnings to DSV/CSV files per date with automatic housekeeping.
Output nOutput_EmailWarnings Output Warning If there is any new level HIGH warning (or any other combination) it will send an email with it.
Output nOutput_H2 Output History Records the attribute values and warnings on a H2 database.
Output nOutput_HTTP Output HTTP Provides a minimal HTTP interface to check attribute values, warnings and output history (if activated).
Output nOutput_HTTP_JSON Output HTTP Provides a JSON full dump of the current attribute, attribute values and warnings.
Output nOutput_Log Output Log Outputs the current attribute values into a text log file.
Output nOutput_Oracle Output History Records the attribute values and warnings on a Oracle database.
Output nOutput_Stdout Output Log Outputs the current attribute values into the stdout.
Output nOutput_Channels Output Channels Exposes several OpenAF channels with attributes, values, warnings and plugs plus access to operational functionality.
Output nOutput_RemoteChannel Output Channel Pushes attribute values to a remote nAttrMon or OpenAF script through an OpenAF channel.
Output nOutput_Notifications Output Warnings Sends push notifications triggered by warnings.
Output nOutput_ES Output ES Outputs attribute values and warnings to an ElasticSearch cluster.
Output nOutput_Slack Output Slack Outputs warnings to Slack.
Validation nValidation_Generic Validation Generic Simple generic validation for an attribute or any set of attribute patterns.

Object templates

Input object

To build an input object follow the following javascript template:

 * <odoc>
 * <key>nattrmon.nInput_MyInput(aMap)</key>
 * aMap is composed of:\
 *   - keys  (the key of the objects to refer to)
 *   - chKey (the channel name for the keys of objects to refer to)
 *   - attrTemplate (a string template for the name of the attribute using {{name}})
 * </odoc>
var nInput_MyInput = function(aMap) {
    this.params = aMap;
	if (isUnDef(this.params.myMandatoryArg)) this.params.myMandatoryArg = "something";, this.input);
inherit(nInput_MyInput, nInput);

nInput_MyInput.prototype.input = function(scope, args) {
    var ret = {};
    var attrname = templify(this.params.attrTemplate, { name: });

    ret[attrname] = runSomething();

    return ret;

Validation object

To build a validation object follow the following javascript template:

 * <odoc>
 * <key>nattrmon.nValidation_MyValidation(aMap)</key>
 * aMap is composed of:\
 *   - warnTemplate (a string template for the warning title using {{title}})
 *   - warnDescTemplate (a string template for the warning description {{title}})
 * </odoc>
var nValidation_MyValidation = function(aMap) {
    this.params = aMap;
	if (isUnDef(this.params.myMandatoryArg)) this.params.myMandatoryArg = "something";, this.validation);
inherit(nValidation_MyValidation, nValidation);

nValidation_MyValidation.prototype.validate = function(scope, args) {
    var ret = [];
    var title = templify(this.params.warnTemplate);
    var description = templify(this.params.warnDescTemplate);

    if (somethingIsWrong)
        ret.push(new nWarning(nWarning.LEVEL_HIGH, title, descripiton));

    ret.push(new nWarning(nWarning.LEVEL_INFO, "A information", "Just for fyi..."));

    return ret;

Output object

To build an output object follow the following javascript template:

 * <odoc>
 * <key>nattrmon.nOutput_MyOutput(aMap)</key>
 * aMap is composed of:\
 *   - inclusionList (a list of attributes to include)
 *   - chInclusionList (a channel name with attributes to include)
 * </odoc>
var nOutput_MyOutput = function(aMap) {
    this.params = aMap;
	if (isUnDef(this.params.myMandatoryArg)) this.params.myMandatoryArg = "something";, this.output);
inherit(nOutput_MyOutput, nOutput);

nOutput_MyOutput.prototype.output = function(scope, args) {
    for(key in scope.getCurrentValues()) {