Impact is an advanced Minecraft Utility Mod aimed towards user friendliness. Here, you will be able to submit issues that prevent the client from performing as expected.
You can download Impact by visiting the Impact Website.
If you need help using Impact, you should instead ask for it on the discord server. Use the #help
channel so that you don't clutter up #general
with support questions. Also make sure to check #announcements
, pinned messages and use the search tool to see if your question has already been answered.
Please report any bugs you find here. Try to be as descriptive as possible and make sure to check if the bug has already been reported before reporting it youself. Please only report one bug per issue - if you have encountered multiple issues, report multiple bugs as seperate issues.
New features should also be reported as issues. Please try to describe the feature you are suggesting in as much detail as possible and explain why it would be useful. As explained above, please first check the feature hasn't already been requested and make sure your issue only covers one feature. If you have multiple ideas, open seperate issues.
Impact is developed by ZeroMemes, leijurv and LeafHacker. It is built on top of ClientAPI and supports Baritone which is developed by leijurv
- WhispersHF
- Kato
- Scandal
- 0x22
- Astro
- MightyKnight
- positive
- Peanut
- MagicStar
- pepsi boy
- sudofox
- vitor is
- xpielordx
- SuperOP535
- Olibols (Feathers)
- EmeraldSnorlax
- Cerbiac Kerberos
- Vini Dalvino
- BadDev (StijnSimons)