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AngelicHedgehog committed Nov 22, 2023
2 parents 7903085 + 04bb6ac commit 7340be4
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Showing 3 changed files with 181 additions and 123 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions apps/UnitTestsApp/src/UnitTests.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,37 @@ TEST(ParseStringTest, Test_regex_lexer) {

TEST(TestCaseThompsonNegative, Test_thompson_negative) {
vector<State> states;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
states.emplace_back(i, set<int>{i}, std::to_string(i), false, map<alphabet_symbol, set<int>>());

states[0].set_transition(1, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());
states[0].set_transition(5, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());

states[1].set_transition(4, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());
states[1].set_transition(2, "a");

states[2].set_transition(3, "a");

states[3].set_transition(3, "a");
states[3].set_transition(4, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());

states[4].set_transition(7, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());

states[7].set_transition(8, "c");

states[5].set_transition(6, "b");

states[6].set_transition(7, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());

states[8].is_terminal = true;
FiniteAutomaton fa(0, states, {"a", "b", "c"});

ASSERT_TRUE(FiniteAutomaton::equal(fa, Regex("(^a|b)c").to_thompson()));

TEST(TestCaseName, Test_random_regex_parsing) {
RegexGenerator rg(15, 10, 5, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions libs/Objects/src/AlgExpression.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -114,6 +114,9 @@ string AlgExpression::to_txt() const {
case Type::negative:
symb = '^';
if (!is_terminal_type(term_l->type)){
return symb + "(" + str1 + ")";
return symb + str1;
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270 changes: 147 additions & 123 deletions libs/Objects/src/Regex.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ Regex* Regex::expr(const vector<AlgExpression::Lexeme>& lexemes, int index_start
p = scan_conc(lexemes, index_start, index_end);
if (!p) {
p = scan_minus(lexemes, index_start, index_end);
p = scan_star(lexemes, index_start, index_end);
if (!p) {
p = scan_star(lexemes, index_start, index_end);
p = scan_minus(lexemes, index_start, index_end);
if (!p) {
p = scan_par(lexemes, index_start, index_end);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,168 +122,192 @@ Regex* Regex::scan_minus(const vector<AlgExpression::Lexeme>& lexemes, int index

// возвращает пару <вектор сотсояний, max_index>
std::pair<vector<State>, int> Regex::get_thompson(int max_index) const {
string str; // идентификатор состояния
vector<State> s = {}; // вектор состояний нового автомата
map<alphabet_symbol, set<int>> m, p, map_l, map_r; // словари автоматов
set<int> trans; // новые транзишены
string id_str; // идентификатор состояния
vector<State> fa_states = {}; // вектор состояний нового автомата
// для формирования поля transitions состояний автомата (структуры State)
map<alphabet_symbol, set<int>> state_transitons;
int offset; // сдвиг для старых индексов состояний в новом автомате
std::pair<vector<State>, int> al; // для левого автомата относительно операции
std::pair<vector<State>, int> ar; // для правого автомата относительно операции
Language* alp; // Новый язык для автомата
// список состояний и макс индекс состояния для левого автомата относительно операции
std::pair<vector<State>, int> fa_left;
// список состояний и макс индекс состояния для правого автомата относительно операции
std::pair<vector<State>, int> fa_right;
// автомат для отрицания, строится обычный томпсон и берется дополнение
FiniteAutomaton fa_negative;

switch (type) {
case Type::alt: // |
al = Regex::cast(term_l)->get_thompson(max_index);
ar = Regex::cast(term_r)->get_thompson(al.second);
max_index = ar.second;

str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 1);
m[alphabet_symbol::epsilon()] = {1, int(al.first.size()) + 1};
s.push_back(State(0, {}, str, false, m));

for (size_t i = 0; i < al.first.size(); i++) {
State test = al.first[i];
for (const auto& el : test.transitions) {
alphabet_symbol elem = el.first; // al->alphabet[i];
trans = {};
for (int transition_to : test.transitions[elem]) {
trans.insert(transition_to + 1);
fa_left = Regex::cast(term_l)->get_thompson(max_index);
fa_right = Regex::cast(term_r)->get_thompson(fa_left.second);
max_index = fa_right.second;

id_str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 1);
fa_states.push_back(State(0, {}, id_str, false, {}));
fa_states.back().set_transition(1, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());
fa_states.back().set_transition(int(fa_left.first.size()) + 1, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());

for (const auto& state : fa_left.first) {
state_transitons = {};
for (const auto& [symb, states] : state.transitions) {
for (int transition_to : states) {
state_transitons[symb].insert(transition_to + 1);
map_l[elem] = trans;

if (test.is_terminal) {
map_l[alphabet_symbol::epsilon()] = {int(al.first.size() + ar.first.size()) + 1};
if (state.is_terminal) {
state_transitons[alphabet_symbol::epsilon()] = {
int(fa_left.first.size() + fa_right.first.size()) + 1};
s.push_back(State(al.first[i].index + 1, {}, al.first[i].identifier, false, map_l));
map_l = {};

state.index + 1, set<int>(), state.identifier, false, state_transitons);
offset = s.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < ar.first.size(); i++) {
State test = ar.first[i];
for (const auto& el : test.transitions) {
alphabet_symbol elem = el.first;
trans = {};
for (int transition_to : test.transitions[elem]) {
trans.insert(transition_to + offset);

offset = fa_states.size();
for (const auto& state : fa_right.first) {
state_transitons = {};
for (const auto& [symb, states] : state.transitions) {
for (int transition_to : states) {
state_transitons[symb].insert(transition_to + offset);
map_r[elem] = trans;
if (test.is_terminal) {
map_r[alphabet_symbol::epsilon()] = {offset + int(ar.first.size())};

if (state.is_terminal) {
state_transitons[alphabet_symbol::epsilon()] = {offset +

State(ar.first[i].index + offset, {}, ar.first[i].identifier, false, map_r));
map_r = {};
state.index + offset, set<int>(), state.identifier, false, state_transitons);

str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 2);
s.push_back(State(int(al.first.size() + ar.first.size()) + 1, {}, str, true, p));
id_str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 2);
fa_states.emplace_back(int(fa_left.first.size() + fa_right.first.size()) + 1,
std::map<alphabet_symbol, std::set<int>>{});

return {s, max_index + 2};
return {fa_states, max_index + 2};
case Type::conc: // .
al = Regex::cast(term_l)->get_thompson(max_index);
ar = Regex::cast(term_r)->get_thompson(al.second);
max_index = ar.second;

for (size_t i = 0; i < al.first.size(); i++) {
State test = al.first[i];
for (const auto& el : test.transitions) {
alphabet_symbol elem = el.first; // al->alphabet[i];
trans = {};
for (int transition_to : test.transitions[elem]) {
fa_left = Regex::cast(term_l)->get_thompson(max_index);
fa_right = Regex::cast(term_r)->get_thompson(fa_left.second);
max_index = fa_right.second;

for (const auto& state : fa_left.first) {
state_transitons = {};
for (const auto& [symb, states] : state.transitions) {
for (int transition_to : states) {
map_l[elem] = trans;

if (test.is_terminal) {
State test_r = ar.first[0];
for (const auto& el : test_r.transitions) {
alphabet_symbol elem = el.first; // al->alphabet[i];
for (int transition_to : test_r.transitions[elem]) {
// trans.push_back(test.transitions[elem][j] + 1);
map_l[elem].insert(transition_to + al.first.size() - 1);
if (state.is_terminal) {
for (const auto& [symb, states] : fa_right.first[0].transitions) {
for (int transition_to : states) {
state_transitons[symb].insert(transition_to + fa_left.first.size() - 1);
// map_l[elem] = trans;
s.push_back(State(al.first[i].index, {}, al.first[i].identifier, false, map_l));
map_l = {};

state.index, set<int>(), state.identifier, false, state_transitons);
offset = s.size();
for (size_t i = 1; i < ar.first.size(); i++) {
State test = ar.first[i];
for (const auto& el : test.transitions) {
alphabet_symbol elem = el.first; // al->alphabet[i];
trans = {};
// alfa.push_back(elem);
for (int transition_to : test.transitions[elem]) {
trans.insert(transition_to + offset - 1);

offset = fa_states.size();
for (size_t i = 1; i < fa_right.first.size(); i++) {
const State& state = fa_right.first[i];
state_transitons = {};
for (const auto& [symb, states] : state.transitions) {
for (int transition_to : states) {
state_transitons[symb].insert(transition_to + offset - 1);
map_r[elem] = trans;

s.push_back(State(ar.first[i].index + offset - 1,
map_r = {};
fa_states.emplace_back(state.index + offset - 1,

return {s, max_index};
return {fa_states, max_index};
case Type::star: // *
al = Regex::cast(term_l)->get_thompson(max_index);
max_index = al.second;

str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 1);
m[alphabet_symbol::epsilon()] = {1, int(al.first.size()) + 1};
s.push_back(State(0, {}, str, false, m));

for (size_t i = 0; i < al.first.size(); i++) {
State test;
test = al.first[i];
for (const auto& el : test.transitions) {
alphabet_symbol elem = el.first; // al->alphabet[i];
trans = {};
for (int transition_to : test.transitions[elem]) {
trans.insert(transition_to + 1);
fa_left = Regex::cast(term_l)->get_thompson(max_index);
max_index = fa_left.second;

id_str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 1);
fa_states.emplace_back(0, set<int>(), id_str, false, map<alphabet_symbol, set<int>>());
fa_states.back().set_transition(1, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());
fa_states.back().set_transition(int(fa_left.first.size()) + 1, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());

for (const auto& state : fa_left.first) {
state_transitons = {};
for (const auto& [symb, states] : state.transitions) {
for (int transition_to : states) {
state_transitons[symb].insert(transition_to + 1);
map_l[elem] = trans;

if (test.is_terminal) {
map_l[alphabet_symbol::epsilon()] = {1, int(al.first.size()) + 1};
if (state.is_terminal) {
state_transitons[alphabet_symbol::epsilon()] = {1, int(fa_left.first.size()) + 1};
s.push_back(State(al.first[i].index + 1, {}, al.first[i].identifier, false, map_l));
map_l = {};

state.index + 1, set<int>(), state.identifier, false, state_transitons);
offset = s.size();

str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 2);
s.push_back(State(int(al.first.size()) + 1, {}, str, true, p));
id_str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 2);
fa_states.emplace_back(int(fa_left.first.size()) + 1,
map<alphabet_symbol, set<int>>());

return {s, max_index + 2};
return {fa_states, max_index + 2};
case Type::eps:
str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 1);
id_str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 1);
fa_states.emplace_back(0, set<int>(), id_str, false, map<alphabet_symbol, set<int>>());
fa_states[0].set_transition(1, alphabet_symbol::epsilon());

id_str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 2);
fa_states.emplace_back(1, set<int>(), id_str, true, map<alphabet_symbol, set<int>>());

return {fa_states, max_index + 2};
case Type::negative:
// строим автомат для отрицания
fa_negative = FiniteAutomaton(
0, Regex::cast(term_l)->get_thompson(-1).first, Regex::cast(term_l)->alphabet);
fa_negative = fa_negative.minimize();
// берем дополнение автомата
fa_negative = fa_negative.complement();
// нумеруем состояния
for (auto& state : fa_negative.states) {
state.identifier = "q" + std::to_string(max_index);
if (state.is_terminal) {
state.is_terminal = false;
state.set_transition(fa_negative.states.size(), alphabet_symbol::epsilon());

m[alphabet_symbol::epsilon()] = {1};
s.push_back(State(0, {}, str, false, m));
str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 2);
s.push_back(State(1, {}, str, true, p));

return {s, max_index + 2};
id_str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index);
map<alphabet_symbol, set<int>>());
// возвращаем состояния и макс индекс
return {fa_negative.states, max_index};
id_str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 1);
fa_states.emplace_back(0, set<int>(), id_str, false, map<alphabet_symbol, set<int>>());
fa_states[0].set_transition(1, value.symbol);
id_str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 2);
fa_states.emplace_back(1, set<int>(), id_str, true, map<alphabet_symbol, set<int>>());

str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 1);
// m[char_to_alphabet_symbol(value.symbol)] = {1};
m[value.symbol] = {1};
s.push_back(State(0, {}, str, false, m));
str = "q" + std::to_string(max_index + 2);
s.push_back(State(1, {}, str, true, p));

return {s, max_index + 2};
return {fa_states, max_index + 2};
return {};
Expand Down

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