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Welcome to OneBusAway!
OneBusAway Application modules are a suite of modules that assist in providing Customer Information Systems (CIS) features for fixed route Service. As an open source project it pairs nicely with TheTransitClock and OpenTripPlanner to bring transit features to your agency.
Please note that this guide IS OUT OF DATE. Check out our Development instructions with Docker for an easier way to get started with OneBusAway.
v2.1 is intended for java11 on a Unix/Linux or mac platform. As preconditions these instruction assume you have installed:
- a recent git version
- mvn 3.5.4
- java 1.11.x
- mysql 5.7
In a bash terminal:
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git checkout git@github.com:onebusaway/onebusaway-applicaton-modules
cd onebusaway-applicaton-modules
mvn clean install
Verify the tests succeed before proceeding.
There are many possible configurations of these modules. Here we will detail one popular configuration.
- onebusaway-admin-webapp: used to build the GTFS into the onebusaway-federated-transit-data-bundle and service via /api/bundle/list
- onebusaway-transit-data-webapp: used to load the bundle and provide a data tier layer
- onebusaway-api-webapp: provide the developer API for native apps
- onebusaway-acta-webapp: an example branded UI for providing desktop web and mobile web interfaces
In a bash terminal:
mysql -u root -P
mysql> create database onebusaway;
mysql> \q
Here we dedicate a Tomcat Server instance to the onebusaway-admin-webapp to provide bundle services.
Go to https://downloads.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-8/ and find the latest version of Tomcat 8.5. For this example its 8.5.75 In a bash terminal:
mkdir ~/tomcat
cd ~/tomcat
wget https://www.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.75/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.75.zip
mkdir admin
cd admin
unzip ../apache-tomcat-8.5.75.zip
cd apache-tomcat-8.5.75/webapps
cp ~/src/onebusaway-application-modules/onebusaway-admin-webapp/target/onebusaway-admin-webapp.war ROOT.war
cd ../conf
# change port from 8080 to 9999 for admin server
# this may be mac specific
sed -i '' 's!port="8080"!port="9999"!g;s!port="8005"!port="8115"' server.xml
sed -i '' 's!</Context>!<Parameter name="file.bundle.bucketName" value="/var/lib/oba/bundles/builder" override="false" /><Parameter name="admin.instanceId" value="localhost" override="false" /><Parameter name="admin.port" value="9999" override="false" /><Parameter name="admin.context" value="api" override="false" /></Context>!' context.xml
# linux
sed -i server.xml -e 's!port="8080"!port="9999"!g;s!port="8005"!port="8115"!g'
sed -i context.xml -e 's!</Context>!<Parameter name="file.bundle.bucketName" value="/var/lib/oba/bundles/builder" override="false" /><Parameter name="admin.instanceId" value="localhost" override="false" /><Parameter name="admin.port" value="9999" override="false" /><Parameter name="admin.context" value="api" override="false" /></Context>!'
# add mail support
cd ../lib
wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/javax/mail/mail/1.4/mail-1.4.jar
# setup config.json
# copy contents of https://github.com/OneBusAway/onebusaway-application-modules/wiki/config.json.example to /var/lib/oba/config.json
cd ../bin
chmod 755 catalina.sh
./catalina.sh run
Now load and build the GTFS into a transit-data-bundle via the admin console. We use Tampa Bay's HART as an example below. In a web browser go http://localhost:9999/ user: admin password: admin
Then execute the following steps:
Click "Manage Agency Metadata"
Click "Create new agency metadata"
Agency Name: 1
Agency Short Name: 1
GTFS Feed Url: http://www.gohart.org/google/google_transit.zip
GTFS Id: 1
Legacy Id: 1
Click "Transit Data Bundle Utility"
in "What do you want to name your dataset?" enter "20220114-hart" then click "Save and Continue"
In Build Tab click "Upload"
Switch to the Build tab
Build Name: 20220114-hart-1
Start Date: today
End Date: 3 months from now
Click "Build"
Upon a successful Build go to "Stage" tab
Click "Stage Bundle"
Go to "Deploy" tab
Click "Deploy Bundle(s)"
Here we dedicate another tomcat instance to the UI tier.
In a new bash terminal:
cd ~/tomcat
mkdir app
cd app
unzip ../apache-tomcat-8.5.75.zip
cd apache-tomcat-8.5.75/webapps
cp ~/src/onebusaway-application-modules/onebusaway-transit-data-federation-webapp/target/onebusaway-transit-data-federation-webapp.war ./
cp ~/src/onebusaway-application-modules/onebusaway-api-webapp/target/onebusaway-api-webapp.war ./
cp ~/src/onebusaway-application-modules/onebusaway-enterprise-acta-webapp/target/onebusaway-enterprise-acta-webapp.war ROOT.war
cd ../bin
chmod 755 catalina.sh
./catalina.sh run
Validate the api deployed correctly:
wget -O - http://localhost:8080/onebusaway-api-webapp/api/where/config.json?key=OBA
Ensure the branded webapp loaded in a web browser load http://localhost:8080/routes/index
Congrats! You've installed an example configuration!