Mastering Python by building 100 projects (websites, games, apps, scraping, data science.. etc) in 100 days through 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021 course
- Beginner
- Day 1: Band Name Generator
- Day 2: Tip Calculator
- Day 3: Treasure Island
- Day 4: Rock Paper Scissors
- Day 5: Password Generator
- Day 6: Escape Maze (Runnable only at Reeborg's World Maze Challenge)
- Day 7: Hangman
- Day 8: Caesar Cipher
- Day 9: Secret Auction
- Day 10: Calculator
- Day 11: Blackjack - Capstone Project
- Day 12: Guess The Number
- Day 13 was just a debugging project
- Day 14: Higher Lower Game
- Intermediate
- Day 15: Coffee Machine
- Day 16: Coffee Machine - OOP
- Day 17: Quiz
- Day 18: Hirst Painting
- Day 19: Turtle Race
- Day 20-21: Snake Game
- Day 22: Pong Game
- Day 23: Turtle Crossing - Capstone
- Day 24: Mail Merge
- Day 25: U.S. Game
- Day 26: NATO Phonetic Alphabet
- Day 27: Mile to Km Converter - GUI
- Day 28: Pomodoro Technique - GUI
- Day 29: Password Manager - GUI
- Day 30 was just an enhancement to Day 29 project
- Day 31: Flash Card App - Capstone
- Intermediate+
- Day 32: Automated Birthday Wisher
- Day 33: ISS Overhead Notifier
- Day 34: GUI Quiz App - Trivia API
- Day 35: Rain Alert through SMS
- Day 36: Stock Trading News Alert
- Day 37: Habit Tracking Project
- Day 38: Workout Tracking using Google Sheets
- Day 39-40: Flight Deal Finder - Capstone
- Day 41-44: Personal Site - HTML & CSS
- Day 45: Scraping Top 100 Movies Website
- Day 46: Music Time Machine - create Spotify Playlist
- Day 47: Amazon Price Tracker
- Day 48: Cookie Clicker Bot
- Day 49: Auto Job Application on LinkedIn
- Day 50: Auto Tinder Swiping Bot
- Day 51: Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot
- Day 52: Instagram Follower Bot
- Day 53: Data Entry Job Automation - Capstone
- Day 54: Python Decorators Challenge
- Day 55: Guess The Number Game using URLs - Flask