- go to wpilib, download the newest iso. Mount and execute.
- ./gradlew build
- in vscode overview, under 3rd party libs find the phoenix maven link - go to cmd palette vscode - Manage Vendor Libraries - install new libraries online - enter link
Type riolog into command palette
// both print text
std::cout << "text" << endl;
fmt::print("text {}\n", some_variable);
// the fmt print needs the some_variable after it to work for some reason
hw.xBox.GetXButton() = left trigger
hw.xBox.GetYButton() = right trigger
Robot.cpp is the main file. - Hardware map creates objects of all motors, hid devices, pneumatics, etc. - Normal driving - Driving is proportionally powered by the y axis of the right joystick - Turning is capped at the sens variable for better driving. - Drift mode - Allows for turning while driving - Twisting the joystick sets one side of the wheels to full power while the other stays proportional - left twist for left side, etc