How can I use this ?
Well, license here is pretty "super-open", not even copy-left or copy-right, basically its close to the WTFPL, just use it as you want, as it's the most practical to you :
- If you want to use it as GIT submodule and compile it in your app, do it.
- If you prefer separate project as a shared library, do it.
- If you need to modify the project to be able to integrate in you app (opensource or not), do it.
- If you want to share you work on the library, thanks a lot, but if you don't, no problem.
- If you think about some weird case I didn't talk about, well, do whatever you want, I don't need to know about it.
- If you like it so much you want to spread the word, thank you, you're welcome.
Enjoy !