- 🔥 Delete .github/workflows/generate-changelog-release.yml [7ee5d3f]
- 📝 update badge [5aaaf9f]
- 🚨 Remove deprecated `Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling` from example (#20) [aa23b09]
- ⬆️ Update install qt action to v4 (#22) [cccf1fa]
- 📌 googletest v1.12.1 [cc2a3ac]
- 👷 Generate changelog from gitmoji [bea1ad6]
- 🔨 Only include GNUInstallDirs if required (#15) [a60d280]
- 🔨 Only look for qt if not `Qt::Core` target exists (#16) [3857c67]
- 👷 qt 6.1.0 to qt 6.2.0 [a31f50b]
- 📌 v3.2.0 [d10c266]
- 💥 uniformize objectRemoved signal with objectInserted & objectMoved This make sure that the object isn't present in list anymore when signal is emitted. This is way easier to deal with than about to be removed [1cc7875]
- 📝 Add CPM & add_subdirectory install instruction [c94ac30]
- 📝 Remove dependency note about eventpp [fa53da0]
- 📌 v3.1.5 [41daee3]
- 🔇 Disable QOlm CMake log when project is included. Log can be enabled by user using QOLM_VERBOSE [c711fdf]
- 🔨 Use standard CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR [53e1cff]
- 🔨 Set global property USE_FOLDERS only if QOlm is main project [ab92c69]
- 🔨 Default build type to Release [b584c4e]
- 🔨 Disallow in source build [0d85845]
- 🔨 QOLM_VERBOSE if QOlm is main project [417559f]
- 📌 v3.1.4 [0979401]
- ✏️ typo [ed8c800]
- 🐛 Fix QOlmTargets.cmake export folder [9b46bea]
- 🐛 Fix deployment of QOlm headers PUBLIC_HEADER strategy doesn't work because it doesn't keep file hierarchy Let's just deploy "by hand" our header [8198257]
- 📝 Update readme with QOlmConfig & QOlmConfigVersion [12f3c1a]
- 👷 Test that find_package work as expected with installed target [f5d8de7]
- 👷 Use emojies in build steps [074a5c0]
- 👷 We don't need latest version of cmake anymore [e2688c1]
- 🔨 Don't install gtest with QOlm This allow to build with tests and still be able to install [b341f9b]
- 🔨 Deploy QOlmConfig.cmake information to be compatible with find_package [845ce4b]
- 🔨 Deploy QOlmConfigVersion to give version info [5b68409]
- 📌 v3.1.3 [724cabf]
- 💥 Rename QOLM_INSTALL to QOLM_ENABLE_INSTALL to keep consistency with other variable naming [ecfc816]
- 📌 v3.1.2 [44c0e79]
- 🚚 Move QOlmBase.hpp & Export.hpp to a Details folder This will create less confusing install folder with only QOlm.hpp [de430f2]
- 👷 Run Ci only on push (remove pull_request) [6eb3b45]
- 👷 rename matrix.version to matrix.qt-version for clearer code [66b2d73]
- 📝 Add info how to install QOlm [0b7784b]
- 📝 Fix missing include [19ea657]
- 📝 Fix QOlm is not header only anymore [92cea84]
- 📝 Use new cool namespace/alias library for cmake link example [0d1a574]
- 💡 Section command in cmake [bb77e9b]
- 🔨 Introduce QOLM_INSTALL to make installation optional This option is enabled if QOlm is main project, and disabled if QOlm isn't. It is user responsibility to enable it when fetching QOlm if he needs to install it [9323b24]
- 🔨 Add namespace name QOlm::QOlm [60f4179]
- 🔨 Deploy QOlm header with QOlm installation [3807e00]
- 🔨 Add installation support [e006778]
- 📌 v3.1.1 [5dbf06b]
- add CI configuration for Qt6 [13a6cf9]
- support building with Qt6 [10eeae2]
- 📝 Remove todo that were done [557cdbb]
- ✨ Improve iterator API : cbegin, rbegin, crbegin [ed6dad0]
- 🔊 Fix log in indexOf saying object isn't present. Index 0 exist, only index < 0 doesn't exist. [9daa18a]
- ✨ Make indexOf/remove/contains working with const QObject* [b40037e]
- ♻️ Add full include path to qt include This add better overview of which qt library is used [672132a]
- 📝 Copy from readme to docs [c7e38e6]
- 👷 Fix missing libxcb-randr0 (ubuntu headless tests) [5566653]
- 👷 Drop support for Qt5.12.x [3a764c1]
- 📄 CMakeLists license [181ef0a]
- 👷 Update Ci to Qt5.15.2 [9d4a565]
- 🔨 Print cmake configuration at the end of CMake [b046060]
- 🔨 Use versionless qt version to prepare qt6 support (might work, not tested yet) [b3bea0f]
- 📝 Add emojis to sections [b1343e0]
- 📝 Fix signal name [a3af0f2]
- 📝 Documentation about new onInserted/onRemoved/onMoved callback [d287d85]
- 💥 Remove eventpp api to replace it with qobject_cast and signal/lambda. It is way more standard to go that way within the qt world. And make it easier to manage connection & lifetime [24076a0]
- 📄 Add license to source files [4a9f974]
- Update Readme.md [21a3a2b]
- fix warning log [c493077]
- remove warning when clearing empty list [4144b8c]
- [Tests]: C++/Qml + CI [23fe55b]
- fix eventpp branch [2d842bf]
- Update FetchGTest [17d4ac4]
- Update Readme.md [e265b92]
- Update Readme.md [e4b1f39]
- CI [27e5a7c]
- [QOlmBase]: Support build with version lower than Qt5.15 [07d4fb6]
- [Model]: QOlmBase now take QJSValue as parameters. - Handle single object and array of objects - Handle a default children list - Example of how to use in qml [3252b61]
- [Model]: Update doc [511f08f]
- countChanged now emit the count to allow direct connection of the signal to a set<Property> function [8937337]
- [CMake] : Fix get short commit command [50562b5]
- Update namespace to qolm to avoid name conflict with class QOlm [e9eb162]
- Fix missing typenames with gcc + fix QOlm_Example target name (it was QOlm_QOlmExample) [26a313d]
- Update .clang-format with new features [c270aec]
- Simplify remove(_Object*) function by removing calling more api functions [9af2e27]
- Add remove function that take a list of _Object* to remove multiple objects at once and add example [4b32a41]
- Use .clang-format [9f38006]
- QOlm refactor [c8e459a]
- [CMake] : use target_compile_features to set c++14 feature for Ereimote instead of setting global variable CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD [51e03fc]
- some doc [3059ce4]
- remove useless space [01a6e3c]
- Update to 2.1.0 [0cbc8eb]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' [9788cae]
- Remove useless and dangerous QSharedPointer (parent managed memory) [d6eb1bb]
- minor clean [d335347]
- Update Readme.md [4bcc8be]
- Fix message STATUS [303e0f0]
- Better registration to qml [e303a85]
- Fix dependencies [5f15050]
- Dependancies to Dependencies [059d3f4]
- Fix gtest build on windows by renaming gtest to googletest [18c5dd9]
- configure gtest with gtest_force_shared_crt [1063a3d]
- Fix qt dependencies [f21f3c0]
- refractor [899b12f]
- remove dependency to Qt5Network [93987c9]
- Benchmark append [3d1ecdb]
- Example + test signal in append function [14e6fff]
- hard fork from QQmlModel [549b83d]