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slow_tests #33

Workflow file for this run

name: slow_tests
# The "create tags" trigger is specifically focused on the creation of new tags, while the "push tags" trigger is activated when tags are pushed, including both new tag creations and updates to existing tags.
- "v*.*.*" # normal release
- "nightly" # the only one mutable tag
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: run slow test
runs-on: ["self-hosted", "slow-test" ]
- name: Ensure workspace ownership
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: echo "chown -R $USER $GITHUB_WORKSPACE" && sudo chown -R $USER $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
- name: Check out code
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Start builder container
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: |
BUILDER_CONTAINER=infinity_build_$(od -An -N4 -t u8 < /dev/urandom | tr -d ' ')
echo "CPUS=${CPUS}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
TZ=${TZ:-$(readlink -f /etc/localtime | awk -F '/zoneinfo/' '{print $2}')}
sudo docker rm -f -v ${BUILDER_CONTAINER} && sudo docker run -d --name ${BUILDER_CONTAINER} -e TZ=$TZ -e CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL=${CPUS} -v $PWD:/infinity -v /boot:/boot --cpus ${CPUS} infiniflow/infinity_builder:centos7_clang18
- name: Build release version
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: sudo docker exec ${BUILDER_CONTAINER} bash -c "git config --global \"*\" && cd /infinity && rm -fr cmake-build-release && mkdir -p cmake-build-release && cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_JOB_POOLS:STRING=link=4 -S /infinity -B /infinity/cmake-build-release && cmake --build /infinity/cmake-build-release"
- name: Download resources
run: rm -rf resource && git clone --depth=1
- name: Build infinity-sdk
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: |
sudo docker exec ${BUILDER_CONTAINER} bash -c "cd /infinity/ && rm -rf dist && /usr/local/bin/pip3.10 wheel . -v -w dist --config-settings=build-dir='cmake-build-release' && /usr/local/bin/pip3.11 wheel . -v -w dist --config-settings=build-dir='cmake-build-release' && /usr/local/bin/pip3.12 wheel . -v -w dist --config-settings=build-dir='cmake-build-release' && auditwheel repair --plat manylinux_2_17_x86_64 dist/infinity*linux_x86_64.whl"
- name: Install pysdk
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: |
sudo docker exec ${BUILDER_CONTAINER} bash -c "cd /infinity/ && source /usr/local/venv310/bin/activate && pip3 uninstall -y infinity-sdk && pip3 install wheelhouse/infinity*-cp310-*.whl"
sudo docker exec ${BUILDER_CONTAINER} bash -c "cd /infinity/ && source /usr/local/venv311/bin/activate && pip3 uninstall -y infinity-sdk && pip3 install wheelhouse/infinity*-cp311-*.whl"
sudo docker exec ${BUILDER_CONTAINER} bash -c "cd /infinity/ && source /usr/local/venv312/bin/activate && pip3 uninstall -y infinity-sdk && pip3 install wheelhouse/infinity*-cp312-*.whl"
- name: Test embedded infinity for Python 3.10
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: sudo docker exec ${BUILDER_CONTAINER} bash -c "cd /infinity/ && mkdir -p /var/infinity && source /usr/local/venv310/bin/activate && python3 tools/"
- name: Test embedded infinity for Python 3.11
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: sudo docker exec ${BUILDER_CONTAINER} bash -c "cd /infinity/ && mkdir -p /var/infinity && source /usr/local/venv310/bin/activate && python3 tools/"
- name: Test embedded infinity for Python 3.12
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: sudo docker exec ${BUILDER_CONTAINER} bash -c "cd /infinity/ && mkdir -p /var/infinity && source /usr/local/venv310/bin/activate && python3 tools/"
- name: Prepare sift dataset
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: |
sudo chmod +x ./tools/ci_tools/ && sudo mkdir -p test/data/benchmark && sudo ln -s ${RUNNER_WORKSPACE_PREFIX}/benchmark/sift1M test/data/benchmark/sift_1m
- name: benchmark test
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: sudo docker exec infinity_build bash -c "rm -fr /var/infinity && cd /infinity/ && python3 tools/" && sleep 1s
- name: Start infinity release version
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: |
# Run a command in the background
sudo docker exec infinity_build bash -c "cd /infinity/ && rm -fr /var/infinity && cmake-build-release/src/infinity > release.log 2>&1" &
- name: pysdk test release version
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: sudo docker exec infinity_build bash -c "export RUNSLOWTEST=1 && cd /infinity/ && python3 tools/" && sleep 1s
- name: parallel test release version
if: ${{ !cancelled() && !failure() }}
run: sudo docker exec infinity_build bash -c "cd /infinity/ && python3 tools/" && sleep 1s
- name: Stop infinity release
if: ${{ !cancelled() }} # always run this step even if previous steps failed
run: |
sudo bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/scripts/ 10 $(pidof cmake-build-release/src/infinity)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to kill infinity debug version"
exit 1
- name: Collect infinity release output
# GitHub Actions interprets output lines starting with "Error" as error messages, and it automatically sets the step status to failed when such lines are detected.
if: ${{ !cancelled() }} # always run this step even if previous steps failed
run: cat release.log 2>/dev/null || true
- name: Destroy builder container
if: always() # always run this step even if previous steps failed
run: |
if [ -n "${BUILDER_CONTAINER}" ]; then
sudo docker rm -f -v ${BUILDER_CONTAINER}