issues Search Results · repo:OdeToCode/Memflex language:C#
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inOdeToCode/Memflex (press backspace or delete to remove)My multi tenant solution is now online and seems to work but I will let it run for a bit longer before i create a pull
However, one thing that bugs me is that Memflex calles context save on it ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 5, 2015
- #42
Is there any reason why there is no delete functionality in memflex, I am thinking that it would want to clear up oauth
accounts and such and that it therefor would be beneficial with a delete method
- 1
- Opened on Jan 26, 2015
- #41
It is very common for me to need the same username on multiple different clients.
So basically if my website has multiple clients like Nasa and Chrysler I need to be able to have the user Adam for both ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 23, 2015
- #40
FlexMembershipProvider.UpdateAccount does not check if the username will collide before happily changing it.
Making it possible to make two users have the same username, which then makes the system grind ...
- 4
- Opened on May 10, 2014
- #38
So I get this error
a quick googling reveals this
It would ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 27, 2014
- #37
How can I check from a razor view if the active user has a role? With normal built in membership i think you can do the
@if(User.IsInRole( ReportAdmin ))
//element only visible to ReportAdmin ...
- 2
- Opened on Sep 27, 2013
- #36
It s probaby not the right place for this question, but I would like to use MemFlex with RavenDB in a ASP.NET MVC 4
project of mine. I have not used Ninject as IoC before, and would like to ask, how ...
- 5
- Opened on Sep 12, 2013
- #35
if I have both and pointing to the same website then i seem to run into a slight hiccup.
With local user it will work nicely as it simply checks username and password and verifies. But ...
- 3
- Opened on May 31, 2013
- #33
With the lovely design where you can make any entity your user as long as it implements IFlexMembershipUser I have
implemented other features on the user such as settings.
In a DDD sense this is not the ...
- 8
- Opened on Apr 25, 2013
- #32
Should stuff like this work? [Authorize(Roles= UberAdmin,AccountAdmin,LicenseAdmin )]
I can t get it to work, and I am wondering if it should work before I dig deeper.
- 2
- Opened on Apr 23, 2013
- #31

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