Build tools we use in our Concourse CI pipelines as docker images.
We now get images from the AWS CI account Private ECR.
All images have been copied from Docker Hub into AWS CI account Private ECR.
- The base image used in dockerfile should be represented as the first part of the new tag, see table below
- Other installations in the docker image should also be added to the tag
Base Image | Other installs | Tag |
FROM maven:3.5.0-jdk-8 | Node 8 | 3.5.0-jdk-8-node-8 |
FROM golang:1.19.4 | Node 14 | 1.19.4-node-14 |
FROM golang:1.19.4 | Node 14, golangci-lint v1.51.0 | 1.19.4-node-14-golangci-lint-1.51.0 |
Use labels to assist developers to know which image they should be using and where they can find further information. Labels are added to the dockerfile and begin with the term LABEL
, see table below of expected labels to add to your dockerfile.
Key | Value | Label example | Required |
_version | string | LABEL go_version="1.19.4" | true |
git_repo | string | LABEL git_repo="" | true |
folder | string | LABEL folder="node-go" | true |
git_commit | string | LABEL git_commit="5ef37cff8df2297d039395bf64f1be600241508c" | true |
- You will need to know what tag you are going to give to your new image, please read the Tagging strategy section before continuing
- It is desirable to add Labels to the docker image, please read through the labelling docker images section before continuing
- If you are creating a completely new image that has not been used before, you will first need to create the Repository name in the AWS ECR Private registry - before building and pushing the image.
- If you are using colima, ensure you have done the following:
brew install docker-buildx
mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
ln -s $(which docker-buildx) ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
colima restart
docker buildx version
⚠️ Check the current "latest" tagged version of docker repo has an equivalent "version" tag so the image is not lost You can check this on selecting the image you want to change in AWS CI account Private ECR, searching for dp-concourse-tools. If you can only see a latest tag listed or no other images have aDIGEST
SHA that matches otherversion
tagged images you will need to follow the version tagging for things with only latest tags guide before progressing with building an image
Build image under unique tag abiding by instructions in Tagging strategy section
# $TOOL_DIR in the following is one of the directories in this repo cd dp-concourse-tools/$TOOL_DIR docker build -t <AWS CI account id>$(basename "${PWD}"):<NEW_TAG> .
Push the new image and tag to AWS CI account Private ECR.
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-2 --profile dp-ci | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <AWS CI account id> docker push <AWS CI account id>$(basename "${PWD}"):<NEW_TAG>
Re-tag the image you just built with the latest tag and push to AWS CI account Private ECR (effectively making your new image the latest one)
docker tag <AWS CI account id>$(basename "${PWD}"):<NEW_TAG> <AWS CI account id>$(basename "${PWD}"):latest docker push <AWS CI account id>$(basename "${PWD}"):latest
If the latest
image does not exist as a specific tagged version
, you will need to create a new image tagged with correct version
first. This will allow you to overwrite image tagged latest
with new version
without losing any images.
Find out what tag the image for the existing latest version should be, see the Tagging strategy section
Pull the remote docker image
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-2 --profile dp-ci | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <AWS CI account id> docker pull <AWS CI account id><TOOL_NAME>:latest
Change tag on latest image just pulled to the tag determined in step 1
docker tag <AWS CI account id><TOOL_NAME>:latest <AWS CI account id><TOOL_NAME>:<NEW_TAG>
Push the new tag to AWS CI account Private ECR:
docker push <AWS CI account id><TOOL_NAME>:<NEW_TAG>
See CONTRIBUTING for details.
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Released under MIT license, see LICENSE for details.