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Blaise Slack Alerter

This is a Cloud Function which is used to send alerts from Google Cloud Logging to Slack.

How it Works

Some GCP infrastructure is required for this to work.

  1. A PubSub Topic:
    Log messages will be put on this topic and trigger the Cloud Function.
  2. Google Cloud Logging Log Sink:
    • This should be configured to route the log message to the PubSub topic.
    • It should have an appropriate inclusion and exclusion filter.
  3. PubSub IAM policy:
    Granting roles/pubsub.publisher for the Log Sink.
  4. Google Cloud Function:
    Running this code.

In addition to this, you will need an Incoming Slack WebHook URL.



Architecture Diagram

Granting Sink Access To The PubSub Topic

gcloud logging sinks describe --format='value(writerIdentity)' <SINK_NAME>
gcloud pubsub topics add-iam-policy-binding <TOPIC_ID> --member=<WRITER_IDENTITY> --role=roles/pubsub.publisher

Cloud Function Config

Entry Point: send_slack_alert

Environment Variable Value
SLACK_URL Slack Web Hook URL.
GCP_PROJECT_NAME The exact name of the GCP project. This is used to generate links to the GCP dashboard.


This repository uses poetry. After cloning, install the dependencies by running:

poetry install


A Makefile is included with some useful tasks to help with development. Running make help will list all available commands.

Linting and Testing

The GitHub Actions, a CI/CD platform, runs the linter, typechecker and tests (using workflows), whenever a GitHub PR is raised.

To minimise chances of failures when the GitHub Actions are ran, it's worth running make test before you push and commit to GitHub. Note, make test also runs the typechecker and linter.

Linting errors can usually be fixed quickly with make format.

How to silence specific event logs

  1. Navigate to the log entry in GCP Console and copy the entry to the clipboard
  2. Create a test in the file using the copied log entry
  3. Run tests using make format test - the test you just created should fail!
  4. Navigate to the lib/filters dir and create a new .py file
  5. Add new functionality to the newly created file (see for an example)
  6. Navigate to the tests/lib/filters dir and create a new file
  7. Create unit tests that test the actual filter functionality (again, check for an example). You will need to change the fixture!
    • NB Event logs can be difficult to replicate in a sandbox, so it is important that the unit tests are present and accurately written before it is deployed to an environment.
  8. In, import the function you just created and add it to the filter array [] in the log_entry_skipped function
def log_entry_skipped(log_entry: ProcessedLogEntry):
    filters = [
        ... etc]
  1. Run make format test - if the checks pass, push and commit!
  2. Deploy the Cloud Function in a sandbox and ensure it works as expected.
    • NB Logs coming from sandboxes are filtered by default. If you want to reproduce error logs within a sandbox, make sure to remove sandbox_filter in send_alerts/log_entry_skipped before deploying the Cloud Function.