A fake plugin system for OpenArena
- Lua 5.1-5.3
- xdotool
- Currently tested only for GNU/Linux.
- (Not really required unless you want to edit source .moon files) Moonscript compiler
You'll also have to bind F7
to exec magic.cfg
Just for fun, of course.
run.lua executes OpenArena (you'll have to configure path first) and redirects its output to capture.lua. Then capture.lua will read input line-by-line and do one of the following things for each line:
- ignore
- send line to plugins to handle (plugins are special scripts in 'plugins' folder)
- decide that you've just typed a command and try to run it
Possible commands are:
- /plug plugin_name [args] (turn on plugin)
- /unplug plugin_name (turn off plugin)
- /pset plugin variable value (set plugin's variable)
- /pprint plugin variable (print plugin's variable using /echo command)
These commands don't exist in OpenArena, but the script will understand you.
Work in progress, beware of falling breaks bricks