NylCanvasLibrary (NCL) is a lightweight toolbox to make canvas animations
N.B: Examples are old and a little messy. I know about that. I'll prepare some new examples soon :)
- Use requestAnimationFrame API when possible, if not, a setInterval.
- Provide helpers and function chaining to draw with canvas
- Plugin architecture
- Mouse and touch events handled in plugins
- ... Well, there's probably more, but the doc is coming. Please be patient and look up the code until the doc release :)
1) Create a "plugin" function
function MyNclPlugin() {
//Setup is used to init variables before the loop render begins
this.setup = function()
this.position = new NCLVector2(this.NCL.mouseX, this.NCL.mouseY);
this.size = 20;
//The (infinite) loop render. You can draw here
this.draw = function(scene)
.square(this.position, this.size);
2) In your HTML, create an empty div with an id
<div id="myanimation"></div>
2) Load the library and hook your function
var NCL = new NylCanvasLibrary("myanimation",800,600,"canvaselementid",60);
//load the plugin
NCL.loadPlugin(new MyNclPlugin(NCL));
Doc is under writing and is not complete for now. Please be patient
Function | Arguments | Description |
NCL.square(startVector,size) | startVector : NCLVector2 size : number |
Draw a square |
NCL.rect(startVector,width,height) | startVector : NCLVector2 width : number height : number |
Draw a rectangle |
NCL.line(startVector, endVector) | startVector : NCLVector2 endVector : NCLVector2 |
Draw a line |
NCL.circle(radius,position) | radius : number position : NCLVector2 |
Draw a circle |
NCL.triangle(v1,v2,v3) | v1 : NCLVector2 v2 : NCLVector2 v3 : NCLVector2 |
Draw a triangle |
NCL.curve(start, end, center) | start : NCLVector2 end : NCLVector2 center : NCLVector2 |
Draw a curve |
Function | Arguments | Description |
NCL.text(text, font, position, align) | text : string font : string (See Canvas Doc) position : NCLVector2 align: string |
Draw a text |
Function | Arguments | Description |
NCL.clear() | none | Clear the screen |
NCL.pointRotate(radians, position) | radians : float position : NCLVector2 |
Rotate the context around a point |
NCL.save() | none | Save the context |
NCL.restore() | none | Restore the previously saved context |