- The websocket endpoint is: wss://api.bitkub.com/websocket-api/<streamName>
Stream name requires 3 parts: service name, service type, and symbol, delimited by dot (.), and is case-insensitive.
Above example stream name provides real-time data from the market service, type trade, of symbol THB_BTC.
You can combine multiple streams by using comma (,) as the delimeter.
Above subscription provides real-time data from trade and ticker streams of symbols THB_BTC and THB_ETH.
Refer to RESTful API for all available symbols and symbol ids).
Refer to the following for description of each stream
The trade stream provides real-time data on matched orders. Each trade contains buy order id and sell order id. Order id is unique by the order side (buy/sell) and symbol.
"stream": "market.trade.thb_eth", // stream name
"sym":"THB_ETH", // symbol
"txn": "ETHSELL0000074282", // transaction id
"rat": "5977.00", // rate matched
"amt": 1.556539, // amount matched
"bid": 2048451, // buy order id
"sid": 2924729, // sell order id
"ts": 1542268567 // trade timestamp
The ticker stream provides real-time data on ticker of the specified symbol. Ticker for each symbol is re-calculated on trade order creation, cancellation, and fulfillment.
"stream": "market.ticker.thb_bch", // stream name
"id": 6, // symbol id
"last": "15425.00",
"lowestAsk": "17799.00",
"highestBid": "15425.00",
"percentChange": "-10.15",
"baseVolume": "55.76940380",
"quoteVolume": "905856.89",
"isFrozen": "0",
"high24hr": "17980.00",
"low24hr": "15409.00"
The demo page is available here for testing streams subscription.
Use symbol id (numeric id) to get real-time data of order book: wss://api.bitkub.com/websocket-api/<symbol-id>.
Authentication is required in order to access certain data. Send the websocket token to the server via the established socket connection. The message is in JSON format.
"auth": "BYGoc1Pt81s1ouhZD095UtMdwWU2ZU0tVPYZSZ22WPU8GcMC9jOldV3e9aBJoDWLsfqxWH8jkZYI9ID4EZeeueEFNDL1OznPcS0z1Da19sSF0MlBbqpgT3TQpyp2oea9"
"data": (data),
"event": (event type)
There are 3 event types: bidschanged, askschanged, and tradeschanged
- bidschanged occurs when any buy order has changed (opened/closed/cancelled). Data is array of buy orders after the change (max. 30 orders).
- askschanged occurs when any sell order has changed (opened/closed/cancelled). Data is array of sell orders after the change (max. 30 orders).
- tradeschanged occurs when buy and sell orders have been matched. Data is array containing 3 arrays: array of latest trades, array of buy orders, and array of sell orders (each max. 30 orders). You get this event as the initial data upon successful subscription.
121.82, // vol
112510.1, // rate
0.00108283, // amount
0, // reserved, always 0
false, // is new order
false // user is owner (available when authenticated)
1550320593, // timestamp
113587, // rate
0.12817027, // amount
"BUY", // side
0, // reserved, always 0
0, // reserved, always 0
true, // is new order
false, // user is buyer (available when authenticated)
false // user is seller (available when authenticated)
121.82, // vol
112510.1, // bid rate
0.00108283, // bid amount
0, // reserved, always 0
false, // is new order
false // user is owner (available when authenticated)
51247.13, // vol
113699, // ask rate
0.45072632, // ask amount
0, // reserved, always 0
false, // is new order
false // user is owner (available when authenticated)