Diamond Pattern
Hollow Diamond Pattern
- Hourglass Pattern
- Hollow Square Pattern
Pyramid Pattern
Hollow Pyramid Pattern
- Inverted Pyramid Pattern
- Right Triangle Pattern
- **
- Hollow Right Triangle Pattern
- **
Left Triangle Pattern
- **
For n = 5:
calculator based on JS DOM
DOm Manipulation topics and questions.
Greeting Program: Write a program that takes a user's firstName and lastName as input and displays a greeting message in the format: "Hello [firstName] [lastName]!".
Even or Odd Checker: Create a program that prompts the user to input a number and checks whether the number is even or odd. The output should clearly state if the number is even or odd.
Find the Largest Number: Write a program that accepts three numbers as input and determines which one is the largest. Display the largest number with a message.
Reverse a String: Create a program that takes a string as input and returns the reverse of that string. For example, if the input is "JavaScript", the output should be "tpircSavaJ".
Array Sum Calculator: Write a program that takes an array of numbers and calculates the sum of all its elements. Display the total sum as output.
DOM Manipulation - Button Click: Add a button to an HTML page, and write JavaScript code that changes the background color of the page to blue when the button is clicked.
Prime Number Checker: Create a function that checks whether a given number is a prime number or not. If the number is prime, the program should return a message saying so; otherwise, it should indicate that the number is not prime.
Factorial Calculator: Write a program that calculates the factorial of a given number. For instance, if the input is 5, the program should output 120.
Vowel Counter: Write a program that takes a string as input and counts the total number of vowels in it. Display the vowel count along with the input string.
Guess the Number Game: Develop a program that generates a random number between 1 and 10 and prompts the user to guess it. If the user's guess matches the random number, display a success message; otherwise, ask the user to try again.
- Calculator and some logical questions
- query selector and query selector ALL
- innerHTml and all d/f.
Es6 handles asynchrous ops. updated features on js. makes js more efficient.
- Hoisting:
- functions
- objects
- Promises
- template literal , var literals
- destructuring
- Array and its methods
- Async await
- Error Handling.
- Map Set weak map weak Set
js is sync.