Telegram Bot for making posts to a static website
This was rather an test project for DOM Manipulation from NodeJS.
Not suitable for production/deployment.
If you send the bot a message and you have permission to perform actions, you will be prompted with a menu where you can
- Create a new post
- List existing posts
- Delete a post
- Edit a post
Once an option is clicked, just follow the instructions of the bot.
Posts consist of an image and a text.
The pictures can be enlarged on click.
Here is a live demo to see what it looks like:
- Custom messages (set in config)
- Markdown support
- Check user permission
- Send message with choice buttons instead of slash commands
- Check if the input is valid text (no picture or sticker)
- check if the picture is valid and not text or sticker
- Pictures can be applied by sending them or by providing an URL to them
- Check if the URL to the picture is valid
- Check if the picture has a valid extension (.png, .gif, .jpg...)
- Valid extensions can be set in the config
- Local session storage. The process of creating a post can be continued later
- Allowed users can be set in config
- markdown can be disabled in config
- Bot key can be set in config
- Inline parsing of HTML file
- All actions are cancelable
- Path to HTML file can be set in config
- jQuery support
- Automaticly keep the order of posts in the HTML file if one is deleted
The config is rather self explaining.
It can be found here.
Option | Explanation |
telegram_token | Your Telegram-Bot API Key/Token |
admins | Array of User ID's who are allowed to use the bot |
path_to_html | Path to the HTML file where the posts will be applied to |
allowed_image_types | Array of supported file extenson for images |
markdown | Should all messages parsed as markdown? (E.g. Parse *text* as text) |
everything after markdown |
All other config entries are just the messages the bot sends. They can be customized. |
Thats it pretty much 😸
(click the pictures for full size)