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Pete Pupalaikis edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 14 revisions

How to get a clean installation for PySIApp

This was supplied by Jeremy Graef:

My steps for a fresh installation on Win 8.1

Install Python 2.7 from:
Install Get Pip:
Install Numpy from
PIP install matplotlib

How to set up the project with git

These instructions assume you've installed Git on you machine and have installed pip.

create a directory somewhere on your machine called SignalIntegrity
from within that directory type:
git init
This adds an empty repository. Then type:
git remote add origin
This identifies where the git remote repository is on the internet. Then type:
git pull origin InNextRelease
this gets all of the files on the branch InNextRelease - this is where most of the work is done. You could pull master if you wanted the latest sanctioned changes. Then type:
pip install -e .
This will install PySI on your machine, but the code executed will always be the code in your SignalIntegrity directory. This way, you can keep pulling changes from origin and it will affect your SignalIntegrity installation.

if you look in the SignalIntegrity directory, you will find the directory .git (hidden on linux machines). You will want to edit the file under .git\info\exclude with a text editor and add the following lines to the end:


This will make sure that certain files are excluded from being checked in to git

How to add the application on Ubuntu

First create a desktop launcher using: gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new ~/Desktop

Fill in the information for the application as (using your appropriate paths based on your computer):

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Comment[en_US]=Signal Integrity Tools in Python
Comment=Signal Integrity Tools in Python

Copy this to ~/.local/share/application and it will be available as an application that can then be added to the dash menu.

How To Associate .si extensions with SignalIntegrityApp (on Ubuntu Linux)

from here:

in the terminal, in the directory where your program is located, type:

mimeopen -d

There is the output:

Please choose a default application for files of type application/x-ms-dos-executable
1) vlc
2) ...
3) Other...

Use application #3 Use command: SignalIntegrity %f

In other words, type SignalIntegrity followed by %f.

Choice 2: Generic way

mimeopen .si

And then do the step above.

I found that I still then had to right click on the file in nautilus and force SignalIntegrity to be the default. Then, you can simply double click on the file!

How to use SSH key with git and github

follow the directions at: using ssh with github.

but then, at the command line, type:

git config --global url."".insteadof ""

This will tell git to use SSH instead of the https address usually specified.