Provides advanced nuclear research to the game.
⚠️ Currently alpha. Buildings and recipes may change...
Currently provides:
- Fast breeder reactor
- Advanced reactor
- Many new products (uranyl nitrate, plutonium nitrate, nitric acid, ...)
More may come... please create an issue for any suggestions or bugs.
⚠️ You will need to start a new game to play this mod. This is a restriction of CoI.
Download the latest release:
From the downloaded zip, copy the contents of the
folder to your Captain of IndustryMods
folder.By default, this is
Documents\Captain of Industry\Mods
. You can find out where exactly by running the following in PowerShell:((new-object -COM Shell.Application).Namespace(0x05).Self.Path + '\Captain of Industry\Mods')
Verify inside 'Mods' folder, each sub-folder has a dll file with the same name as the folder, it is fine if other DLLs are also present.
Enable the
Enable mods
options in the ingame settings. -
Start a new game!
⚠️ Void producers from CoI.Mod.Better are used as inputs in this example
In order to extend this to support plutonium rods, simply take the output of the stage 2 distiller to a stage 3 distiller and set up another Chemical Plant II to create the rods.
Research is via: