Nothing AG (us)
Kirchstrasse 175, 3084 Wabern, Switzerland
{First name Last name} (you)
Date of birth: {Month date, year} / Place of origin: {XXX}
{address, postal code place}
Together, we will design products which matter. For this, you’ll adopt several roles in our areas of competence, which are, primarily, business, design and technology. Using your personal mission statement, you’ll actively participate in forming your fields of activity in order to be successful with the team.
You will mainly take care of your tasks at our office in Wabern, though part of your work will also be done directly on-site with our clients (throughout Switzerland).
We look forward to {starting/continuing} our employment relationship from {start date}. Our employment relationship is valid indefinitely.
You work {part-time/full-time} at a schedule of {XX%}. This is equal to {XX.XX} working hours per week, which you invest in our mutual gain.
As a {part-time/full-time} employee in your position, you are entitled to an annual gross salary of CHF {salary × 12 months}. We are transferring a twelfth of the total amount to your personal bank account at the end of every month (your monthly gross salary: CHF {XXXX}). During the onboarding phase of the first 3 months, you as well as we need calibration to discover you perfect place within our team. Your salary will therefore be peer reviewed at the end of this onboarding phase. Monthly salary is calculated over an average of 21.75 days per month.
We cherish a culture of trust. To achieve this, all salaries are transparent. This means that you will know everyone’s salary, and that your salary will be known to others.
We are liberal regarding the distribution of working hours: we value results over following strict hours. We welcome physical presence throughout our opening hours so that we can tackle challenges as a team. We respect the value of being present together and encourage you to pursue this through your personal, daily planning.
We apply the simplified time registration for all peers. We try to avoid crunch time. Nevertheless, it can happen that overtime is needed. Each peer is responsible for respecting the working hours and for securing their rest time by compensating overtime autonomously with free time.
We don’t enforce specific work hours. However, we would like to point out that we do not have a permit for night work (from 23:00 to 06:00) and for working on Sundays. Please refrain from working during these time periods.
You are entitled to 5 weeks of holidays per working year. Please declare your holidays as early as possible. We will try our best that everybody can take holidays on their desired dates.
We want to support you in good and in bad times. For this reason, we will continue to pay your salary for 1 additional day in the following cases: Your own wedding or the wedding of closest relatives/ friends, death of close relatives/ friends, publicly recognised exams and when you are moving to a new home. Rest assured, we always acknowledge special circumstances; the team is here to cover your back! Talk to us if you need more time in your situation.
When giving birth, women get 14 weeks of paid maternity leave. We also grant fathers 4 weeks of paid parental leave.
During the onboarding phase of the first 3 months, we get to know each other. It can be that we don’t fit. To keep a certain flexibility for both of us, this work contract can be cancelled from either side with a cancellation period of 7 days during the onboarding phase and afterwards with a cancellation period of 1 month during the first working year.
If we decide to continue our work relationship after that first year, we can start thinking more long term. As of the second working year, this work contract can be terminated by you or by us with a cancellation period of 3 months.
We both guarantee to not disclose any data which we have received from the other party and which is not evident or public domain.
You guarantee to not engage in any direct or indirect commercial activity with our clients, both while you are working for us and for an additional 2 years after cancellation of our work contract. This rule only applies in directly competing cases of rivalry.
We cherish having a good atmosphere at work and we strive to have a good relationship with our clients. For this reason, it is important that you can relate to our core values.
Our core values are the following:
- No nonsense: We cut the bullshit, get to the point and work only on what makes a difference.
- Compassion: We put people first and respect the needs of every human being – peers, users, and anyone else.
- Trust: We are open with others, distribute power and talk about tensions to build trusting relationships.
- Transparency: We expose and explain our (sometimes unfinished) work and processes, internally and externally.
- Learning and growth: We test our work, improve it based on feedback and learn from failure.
This work contract will be signed by both parties. It becomes valid with your and our signature. Each of us will receive a signed copy of this work contract.
Wabern, {contract date}
Nothing AG (us)
Bastiaan van Rooden, Founder
{First name Last name} (you)
Member of our team!