Local Manifest for Cyanogenmod Lollipop 5.1.1 on Nokia X/XL (normandy)
To get started with Android, you'll need to get familiar with Git and Repo.
Make a build directory:
mkdir Android (or whatever name you choose, which will be refered to as Android throughout)
cd Android
To initialize your local repository using the CM12.1 manifest, use commands like these:
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-12.1
curl -L -o .repo/local_manifests/normandylp.xml -O -L https://raw.github.com/NormandyEGY/local_manifests/master/normandylp.xml
( or Download: https://github.com/NormandyEGY/local_manifests/blob/master/normandylp.xml
and place it in ~/Android/.repo/local_manifest.xml
Then to sync up:
repo sync
You will need to apply some pathces to fix build erros and other bugs:
cd Android/device/nokia/normandy/patch
To build issue commands like these:
cd Android
. build/envsetup.sh && lunch cm_normandy-userdebug
brunch normandy