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The profan Operating System

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The profan Operating System is an independent OS developed from scratch. It is characterized by its ring0-only preemptive modular multitasking minimalist kernel and colorful-looking command line-based user interface. Test it from your browser without installing anything.

You can find a progress roadmap in github projet, a monthly updates and the wiki for documentation.



Compilation is guaranteed only on linux with gcc 11 it is also possible in windows with virtualization solutions like wsl (on windows 11) or hyperV.

Install dependencies

# Debian based
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y make python3 gcc g++ nasm qemu-system-i386 \
                    grub-common xorriso grub-pc-bin mtools

# Arch based
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S      make python gcc nasm qemu-full xorriso \
                    grub-common mtools

Compile & Run

# Compile and run
make run

# Show all commands

Each time the disk is modified you must force its reconstruction with make disk. The main ports (more information in the ports section) are not included in the repo source code but are easily downloadable with make addons disk.

Automated build

You can download the build images from the repo profanOS-build or the latest release

# Run the iso image in qemu
qemu-system-i386 -cdrom profanOS.iso

# With KVM acceleration
qemu-system-i386 -cdrom profanOS.iso -enable-kvm

profanOS can also be tested online with two clicks with the v86 copy emulator here.

For information about real hardware boot and instalation see the dedicated section.

First look

When starting profanOS, you will be greeted by the Olivine shell, a language similar to bash. You can then run the help command to see a list of useful commands.



To switch the keyboard layout use the kb <layout> command, such as kb qwerty.

The kernel

The profanOS kernel (generally called generic kernel or profan kernel) is at the heart of the OS, it is extremely minimalist and can be completed by adding modules loaded from disk such as drivers or file system extensions.

profanOS is not a SASOS - single address space operating system, but part of the memory is shared, like kernel and modules. Processes can therefore freely access kernel memory.

Here is a list of the main kernel features:

  • multiboot support
  • 32 bits protected mode
  • PS/2 mouse and keyboard
  • ATA hard disk
  • custom filesystem
  • preemptive multitasking
  • memory allocation
  • virtual memory management
  • kernel modules
  • full ring0

The userspace

Programing languages

The kernel and userspace are developed mainly in C. The Olivine Shell (see the language documentation) is the main shell language. You can also use python3, posix-sh, lua, perl, sulfur, and C languages to create your own programs.

If you prefer a bash like rather than Olivine, you can use the dash port which is POSIX compliant and often used as /bin/sh in linux systems.

Major ports - Addons

  • tcc Small and fast C compiler
  • python Python 3.11 interpreter
  • dash POSIX compliant shell
  • GNU make Makefile interpreter
  • lua Lightweight scripting language
  • doom Raycasting first person shooter

All the ports are available with the command make addons. A lot of programs are compiled from this repo, you can also find a list of stuff tested in profanOS here.


Libraries are loaded from file system and are dynamically linked to executables using deluge (profan dynamic linker). Kernel modules, for their part, are shared between the process and their content are accessible using syscalls.

Here is a list of the main libraries and kernel modules:

  • kernel modules:
  • libc - standard C library
  • libpm - profanOS minimalistic math lib
  • libpf - extra stuff like libtsi

Find all the libraries available on the wiki.


profanOS works on pc with legacy bios but not with uefi. However profanOS can work on recent pc by activating bios compatibility.

To install profanOS on a USB key or an internal disk, it is possible to use the installation script tools/ or any other image flasher.


Installing an OS on a real machine can be risky and must be done with knowledge of the possible risks!

Install on USB key

  • Download ISO or build it in linux
  • Flash the ISO on the USB key with dd or any other image flasher
  • Activate the legacy bios in the bios settings (if not already done)
  • Boot on the USB key from the bios boot menu
  • select the graphical mode

Install on internal disk

This method is dangerous and will cause the complete erasure of your machine's disk. Please make a backup of your data and be sure of what you are doing.

  • Activate the legacy bios in the bios settings (if not already done)
  • Boot on a live linux
  • Download ISO or build it in linux
  • Flash the ISO with tools/ or any other image flasher
# replace sdX with the disk to flash
sudo sh /dev/sdX profanOS.iso
  • Reboot on the internal disk


Known major bugs

bug name since description cause fixed ?
lagged lag ? all profanOS is getting very slow memory access ? partial
no KB ? keyboard not working sometimes ? no


halfix lua
windaube doom

Author & Contact

Contact me on my discord server or in PM @pf4

Source & Acknowledgment

  • os tutorial for the original tutorial
  • @asqel for tests, the sulfur language and all the ports
  • @Sarah for all the help and ideas
  • @copy for the v86 online emulator and floppy build
  • @spaskalev for the buddy allocator
  • osdev wiki for documentation made by the community
  • ToaruOS for the inspiration and the dynamic linking
  • mintsuki for freestanding headers

A huge thank you to all the contributors and all the people who took the time to look at this project!

be careful with our friend 55


The i386 profan Operating System







No packages published


  • C 95.3%
  • Python 3.3%
  • Other 1.4%