Renascence Studio adalah studio yang dinaungi oleh bot discord yang dibuat didalamnya!
Ojol Bot, Ksatria Bot, and other official discord bot. 🚀
- Renascence-Studio Term of Services Renascence Studio Terms Of Service - Renascence Studio
Indonesian Version
- Penerimaan Syarat dan Ketentuan
Dengan menggunakan bot Discord ini, Anda setuju untuk mematuhi dan terikat oleh Syarat dan Ketentuan ini. Jika Anda tidak setuju dengan salah satu bagian dari Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, harap hentikan penggunaan bot ini.
- Penggunaan yang Sah
Anda harus menggunakan bot ini sesuai dengan tujuan dan fungsinya yang ditentukan. Dilarang menggunakan bot untuk tujuan yang melanggar hukum, merusak, mengecoh, atau mengganggu aktivitas pengguna lainnya di Discord.
- Kewajiban Pengguna
Anda bertanggung jawab penuh atas penggunaan bot ini. Anda tidak diperkenankan mengirimkan, mengunggah, atau menyebarkan konten yang melanggar hukum, mengandung kebencian, pelecehan, atau pornografi, serta melanggar hak kekayaan intelektual pihak ketiga.
- Batasan Tanggung Jawab
Penggunaan bot ini sepenuhnya berada di bawah risiko Anda sendiri. Kami atau pembuat bot tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian, kerusakan, atau masalah lain yang timbul akibat penggunaan bot, termasuk kesalahan atau kelalaian dalam bot.
- Privasi dan Data Pengguna
Kami menghormati privasi pengguna. Dengan menggunakan bot ini, Anda setuju bahwa kami dapat mengumpulkan, menggunakan, dan mengolah data pengguna sejauh yang dijelaskan dalam Kebijakan Privasi yang terpisah.
- Perubahan pada Syarat dan Ketentuan
Kami berhak untuk mengubah Syarat dan Ketentuan ini kapan saja tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Perubahan tersebut akan berlaku segera setelah dipublikasikan dalam bot. Dengan terus menggunakan bot ini, Anda menyetujui perubahan yang dilakukan.
- Pengakhiran Penggunaan
Kami berhak untuk menghentikan atau membatasi akses Anda ke bot ini tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya jika melanggar Syarat dan Ketentuan ini.
English Version
- Acceptance of Terms of Service
By using this Discord bot, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms of Service, please refrain from using this bot.
- Legitimate Use
You must use this bot in accordance with its intended purpose and functionality. It is prohibited to use the bot for unlawful, disruptive, deceptive, or harmful purposes, or to interfere with the activities of other users on Discord.
- User Obligations
You are fully responsible for your use of this bot. You are not permitted to send, upload, or distribute content that is unlawful, hateful, abusive, or pornographic, or that infringes on the intellectual property rights of third parties.
- Limitation of Liability
The use of this bot is entirely at your own risk. We or the bot creators are not responsible for any loss, damage, or other issues arising from the use of the bot, including errors or omissions in the bot.
- Privacy and User Data
We respect user privacy. By using this bot, you agree that we may collect, use, and process user data as described in a separate Privacy Policy.
- Changes to the Terms of Service
We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service at any time without prior notice. Such changes will be effective immediately upon being published in the bot. By continuing to use this bot, you agree to the changes made.
- Termination of Use
We reserve the right to terminate or restrict your access to this bot without prior notice if you violate these Terms of Service.
Renascence Studios respects the privacy of its users. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, store, and protect the personal information of users who interact with our Discord bot.
1. Information Collection
We may collect certain personal information when users interact with Ojol Bot. This information may include:
- Discord user ID
- Discord username
- Discord server information
- Messages and commands sent to the bot
2. Use of Information
The personal information collected by Ojol Bot is used for the following purposes :
- Providing and improving our services
- Responding to user inquiries and support requests
- Customizing and enhancing user experience
3. Information Sharing
We do not sell, trade, or transfer personal information collected by Ojol Bot to third parties. However, we may share this information in the following circumstances:
- With the user's consent
- When required by law or legal process
- To protect our rights, property, or safety, or the rights, property, or safety of others
4. Data Security
We take reasonable measures to protect the personal information collected by Ojol bot. However, please be aware that no method of transmission or storage can guarantee absolute security. We cannot guarantee the security of any information transmitted to or from Ojol Bot, and users do so at their own risk.
5. Changes to the Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Users will be notified of any significant changes through the Discord bot or other appropriate means. Continued use of Ojol Bot after any modifications to the Privacy Policy will constitute acceptance of the updated terms.