Simulator supporting a user interface for Cannon, an abstract strategy board game.
This is a course assignment for the graduate-level Artificial Intelligence course taught by Prof. Mausam.
The assignment documentation can be found here
The rules of the original game can be found here
However, we will be having an 8x8 board and 4 Town Halls instead of 1. The position of the Town Halls is fixed. Further instructions are mentioned in the Assignment Document.
- Python2.7
- Chrome Webdriver
- Jinja2
- Multiset
- Numpy
- Selenium
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the chrome driver executable according to your chrome version from the following link:
You can check you chrome version following the steps below:
- Launch Google Chrome.
- Click on the icon in the upper right corner that looks like 3 short bars.
- Select About Google Chrome to display the version number.
- This has an instance of the game. It can be run locally to hand play a game of Cannon or re-play a recorded game. Should be run inGUI
mode to make game board
- This is an implementation of a random bot. It is a good place to start understanding the flow of the game and the various game
- This will encapsulate your process and help it connect to the game server.ip
(mandatory) - The Server IP.
(mandatory) - The Server Port.
(mandatory) - The Executable.
(optional) - The View Mode ('GUI' / 'CUI'). Default: 'CUI'
- This connects the clients and manages the transfer of information.port
(mandatory) - The Server Port.
(optional) - The Server IP. Default:
(optional) - The Board Size. Default: 8
(optional) - Number of Clients. Default: 2
(optional) - Time Limit. Default:150
(optional) - The Log File.
Here are the sample instructions used to match two random players against each other over the server network.
python 10000 -n 8 -m 8 -NC 2 -TL 150 -LOG server.log
export PATH=$PATH:'/home/chrome_driver_directory'
python localhost 10000 -mode GUI
export PATH=$PATH:'/mnt/d/Master/Study/Semester5/COL333/Assignment-2/chromedriver_win32/'
python localhost 10000
The game play consists of the players executing a sequence of moves in a single turn.
A move is a triple: type
- S - Select a soldier
- M - Move a soldier
- B - Throw a Bomb
The board is an n x m board. The top-left corner point is the origin. The horizontal direction towards the right is the positive x-axis. The vertical direction towards down is the positive y-axis. The indexing begins with 0 in both the directions.
To move a soldier from (1, 2) to (2, 4).
S 1 2 M 2 4
To throw a bomb, select any of the soldiers of a cannon, and throw it at any viable target of the cannon(s) formed by that soldier.
S 2 4 B 6 4
A server.log file is created during the gameplay that consist of the moves played in the game. You can simulate/re-run it using the following command:
python server.log
At the end of a game both players will be given a score.
This score will be based on the extent of victory. It is calculated as follows:
Your Town Halls Remaining | Opponent's Town Halls Remaining | Town Hall Margin Score |
4 | 2 | 10 |
3 | 2 | 8 |
4 | 3 | 7 |
4 | 4 | 5 |
3 | 3 | 5 |
3 | 4 | 3 |
2 | 3 | 2 |
2 | 4 | 0 |
This score directly depends on the number of soldiers you have left at the end of the game. It is calculated as follows:
Army Margin Score = # (Soldiers Remaining) / 100
The final score is simply: (Town Hall Margin Score).(Army Margin Score)
Example. Assume the following:
Player 1 has 3 Town Halls remaining and has 12 soldiers left on the board.
Player 2 has 2 Town Hall remaining and has 9 soldiers left on the board.
Player 1 score will be: 8.12
Player 2 score will be: 2.09
Note) In case a player suffers a TIMEOUT or INVALID move, he/she will automatically lose the gane and it will count as a (2-x) defeat towards the player and a (x-2) win for the opponent, where x is the number of Town Halls remaining with the opponent.