Video Guide
Author: literallywho, Nils
Version: 2.1
A Final Fantasy XI Ashita v4 addon that takes attendance of players (alliance-based or zone-based), provides a GUI to review/remove entries, and writes the final roster to a CSV file. It can optionally send a linkshell (LS) message announcing that attendance was taken for either an HNM or an Event.
- Installation
Obtain the addon:
- Place the entire "att" folder inside your Ashita v4 "addons" directory.
- Inside the "att" folder, you should see "att.lua" plus a "resources" folder containing several CSV/TXT files (e.g. jobs.csv, zones.csv, shortnames.txt, creditnames.txt).
Required Files:
- att.lua – The main addon code.
- resources/jobs.csv – Lists job IDs → job names.
- resources/zones.csv – Lists zone IDs → zone names.
- resources/shortnames.txt – Alias → full event name pairs.
- resources/creditnames.txt – Defines which zones count for each event name.
Load the addon:
- Place "att" in your Ashita addons folder.
- Either add it to scripts/default.txt or manually load it in-game via: /addon load att
- Files and Folders
att.lua Main addon script.
- jobs.csv Used to look up main/sub job names by ID.
- zones.csv Used to look up zone names by ID.
- shortnames.txt Contains lines: "alias,Full Event Name" (e.g. aspi,Aspidochelone).
- creditnames.txt Each line: "Full Event Name,Zone Name" (e.g. Aspidochelone,Valley of Sorrows). Tells the addon which zones grant credit for each named event/HNM.
Log Folders:
- Event Logs/ – Attendance CSVs for events.
- HNM Logs/ – Attendance CSVs for HNMs.
- Usage Overview
Main Command: /att
No arguments:
- Gathers attendance from your party/alliance only.
- Defaults to HNM mode, but you can switch to Event mode in the GUI if you like.
Optional arguments:
ls /att ls Gathers attendance from all players in range (zone-based) rather than alliance-based.
Short Alias /att aspi If "aspi" exists in shortnames.txt, sets the event name to that full name (e.g. "Aspidochelone"). Otherwise defaults to "Current Zone".
Help Command: /att help Opens a Help Window listing all short aliases that would apply to your current zone.
- The ImGui Interface
After running a valid /att command (e.g. /att, /att ls, /att aspi), the addon:
- Collects attendee data (alliance-based or zone-based).
- Opens a window titled "Attendance Results."
Inside this window:
- Mode Selection (Radio Buttons):
- HNM (default)
- Event Determines which folder the CSV is saved to (HNM Logs or Event Logs) and which LS message is sent.
- Event Name Display: Shows whichever event name was resolved (from short alias or "Current Zone").
- Attendee List: Name, Zone, Main/Sub Job. Each entry has a "Remove" button if you want to exclude them.
- Final Buttons:
- Write & Close: Writes the CSV file and sends the LS message if one was determined. Closes the GUI window.
- Cancel: Closes without writing or sending any message.
If you click [X] to close the window, it's the same as Cancel.
- File Output
When you click "Write & Close," one line per attendee is written: Name,MainJob,Date,Time,Zone,EventName
Example CSV filenames:
- HNM Logs/Monday 23 January 2025 12.34.56.csv
- Event Logs/Monday 23 January 2025 12.34.56.csv
- Customizing Short Names and Credit Zones
- Defines "alias,Full Event Name" pairs, e.g. aspi,Aspidochelone creditnames.txt
- Defines "Full Event Name,Zone Name", e.g. Aspidochelone,Valley of Sorrows
Thus, if you do /att aspi, only those in "Valley of Sorrows" (for Aspidochelone) are included.
- Examples
- /att Alliance-based, no short alias → defaults to "Current Zone" with GUI in HNM mode.
- /att aspi Alliance-based, short alias "aspi" → event name is "Aspidochelone" (if found).
- /att ls Zone-based, no short alias → "Current Zone" is used, HNM mode by default.
- /att ls aspi Zone-based, short alias "aspi" → "Aspidochelone" in zone-based gather.
- /att help Shows short aliases valid for your current zone in a separate Help Window.