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Voxel Carving of 3D Surfaces using AR Markers for Pose Estimation

1. Abstract


2. Setup

Install Eigen (Version 3.4).

Install OpenCV Library (Visual Studio 2019 VC16).

2.1. Clone the repository

Repository Structure
  • Data

    • demo_material

      • images

      • masks

  • Libs

  • src

  • CMakeLists.txt

  • README.adoc


You can use Data to store images, masks, and calibration files of models you want to carve. The subfolder demo_material contains all inputs and outputs used to generate the model as described in section 4.


If you have never worked with OpenCV or Eigen you can follow the instructions below and install these libraries in the Libs directory.


This directory contains the implementation of this project.

2.2. Windows

2.2.1. CMake

CMake Version

  1. Download CMake (3.9.1 or newer)

  2. Install CMake in your preferred directory.

  3. Add CMake to PATH variable.

2.2.2. Git BASH

Git BASH Version

  1. Download and install Git Bash (2.14.1 or newer)

2.2.3. Eigen

Download and extract Eigen (see Eigen - Getting started).

2.2.4. OpenCV

OpenCV Version

  1. Navigate to the directory where you wish to install OpenCV (eg. {directory}/AR_Voxel_Project/Libs)

  2. create new file with the following content:

    #!/bin/bash -e
    # taken from:
    CMAKE_GENERATOR_OPTIONS=-G"Visual Studio 17 2022"
    #CMAKE_GENERATOR_OPTIONS=-G"Visual Studio 16 2019"
    #CMAKE_GENERATOR_OPTIONS=-G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
    #CMAKE_GENERATOR_OPTIONS=(-G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64)  # CMake 3.14+ is required
    if [  ! -d "$myRepo/opencv"  ]; then
        echo "cloning opencv"
        git clone
        cd opencv
        git pull --rebase
        cd ..
    if [  ! -d "$myRepo/opencv_contrib"  ]; then
        echo "cloning opencv_contrib"
        git clone
        cd opencv_contrib
        git pull --rebase
        cd ..
    mkdir -p build_opencv
    pushd build_opencv
    set -x
    cmake "${CMAKE_GENERATOR_OPTIONS[@]}" "${CMAKE_OPTIONS[@]}" -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH="$myRepo"/opencv_contrib/modules -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$myRepo/install/$RepoSource" "$myRepo/$RepoSource"
    echo "************************* $Source_DIR -->debug"
    cmake --build .  --config debug
    echo "************************* $Source_DIR -->release"
    cmake --build .  --config release
    cmake --build .  --target install --config release
    cmake --build .  --target install --config debug
  3. Adjust the CMAKE_GENERATOR_OPTIONS according to your Visual Studio version.

  4. In git command line enter the following command:


    This script will generate the required installation of Open CV in the current directory (eg. {directory}/AR_Voxel_Project/Libs/install/opencv).

  5. Keep in mind that this will take some time.

  6. Add {directory}\Libs\install\opencv\bin to PATH.

  7. For further information please check the official OpenCV website.

2.3. Other OS

Please refer to the following instructions:

2.4. Build the Project

After installing both libraries, your repository should look like this.

Repository Structure
  • Data

    • demo_material

      • images

      • masks

  • Libs

    • Eigen3

    • opencv

    • install

      • opencv

    • opencv_contrib

  • src

  • CMakeLists.txt

  • README.adoc

Now you are ready to generate the project using CMake. If you followed the instructions above, CMake should already have found the installation directories of Eigen and OpenCV. Make sure that Eigen3_DIR and OpenCV_DIR are set correctly.

After compiling the project, you are ready to carve your first model.

3. Example

The following example gives visualize the carved model of our demo object. If you want to reproduce our results, you can use this dataset. For comparison we also provide details about the configuration and the expected output meshes.

Figure 1. Example Input Image (total of 8)
Figure 2. Generated Model: post processing and color reconstruction (Method 2 - color averaging) applied.

4. How to run?

4.1. Generate ChArUco Board

$ ./voxel_project.exe -c=1

This command will generate a new subdirectory out containing the file BoardImage.jpg. This ChArUco Board can be used to calibrate your individual camera and later on carve your own models.

4.2. Camera Calibration

$ ./voxel_project.exe -c=2

Perform camera calibration on previously taken images or take images using a connected camera and perform calibration on those.

After initial calibration, the user can interactively choose to exclude specific images by ID (e.g. outliers). For this, reprojection errors are provided for individual images, as well as the overall error.

The final data is saved to a .yml file that can be specified using -calibration

Flag Default Description



Whether the images used for calibration should be taken live using a connected camera. If false, a folder with images for calibration has to be provided to -images.



The camera to use when performing live calibration. 0 should be the system’s default device.


Ignored if live==true

NonOptional if live==false

Directory of the input images to be used for calibration e.g. ./Data/demo_material/images.



Output file for the camera calibration data.

4.3. Segmentation

$ ./voxel_project.exe -c=3


4.4. Carve your own model

$ ./voxel_project.exe -c=5 -images="<images-dir>" -masks="<masks-dir>" -calibration="<cameracalibartion.yml-dir>" -carve=<carving-method> -x=<x-dim> -y=<y-dim> -z=<z-dim> -size=<voxel-size> -scale=<model-scale> -dx=<x-offset> -dy=<y-offset> -dz=<z-offset> -color=<color-method> -model_debug=<model_debug-method> -postprocessing=<postprocessing-method> -intermediateMesh=<intermediateMesh-generation> -outFile=<out_file_path>

This command will generate a new file out/ containing the mesh generated by carving your specified inputs. To understand more about the flags please refer to the table below.

Table 1. Flags
Flag Default Description



Directory of the input images e.g. ./Data/demo_material/images.



Directory of the masks e.g. ./Data/demo_material/masks.



Directory of the masks e.g. ./Data/demo_material/cameracalibration.yml.



  • 1 - standard carving

  • 2 - greedy carving (fast)



Number of voxels in x direction.



Number of voxels in y direction.



Number of voxels in z direction.



Side length of a voxel.



Scale factor for the output model.



Move output model in x direction (unscaled).



Move output model in y direction (unscaled).



Move output model in z direction (unscaled).



  • 0 - no color reconstruction

  • 1 - nearest observer

  • 2 - average color



  • true - generate debug model (1 cube ~ 1 visible voxel)

  • false - do not generate debug model



  • true - apply postprocessing on the model

  • false - do not apply postprocessing



  • true - Generates a mesh after each processed image. Only works with carving method 1

  • false - intermediate mesh generation disabled



Filepath the generated mesh will be written to. Should end with .off.

4.5. Benchmarking

$ ./voxel_project.exe -c=6 -images="<images-dir>" -masks="<masks-dir>" -calibration="<cameracalibartion.yml-dir>"

This command will execute the provided benchmarking cases on the specified data. For each case a mesh file will be generated in out/bench. Additionally, the bash will print a table containing information about the test cases and execution times (see table below). For more information about the flags please refer to the table above.

Table 2. Benchmark output
Column Description


Short description of the testcase

  • Model size (Small, Medium, Large)

  • Carving method (1 - standard, 2 - greedy)

  • Coloring method

Model size

Model dimensions (x, y, z direction) and voxel size

Carving time

Time needed to execute carving process (in milliseconds)

Coloring time

Time needed to execute coloring process (in milliseconds)

Postprocessing time

Time needed for postprocessing (in milliseconds)

Marching cubes time

Time needed to transform model into .off-format sutiable representation using the marching cubes algorithm (in milliseconds)

Overall time

Time needed for complete reconstruction process (including output file writing and variable initializations, excluding image loading) (in milliseconds)


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  • [1] Resource 1

  • [2] Resource 2