WeeWX Weather App is a mobile application for WeeWX built with Flutter
Copy the file weewx/app.json.tmpl to your WeeWX server in the skin you're currently using, then edit the skin.conf file:
template = app.json.tmpl
Be sure to set UTF-8 as encoding:
# Possible encodings are 'html_entities', 'utf8', or 'strict_ascii'
encoding = utf8
Note: these instruction are for Android. To buld the app for iOS, follow this.
Install Flutter in your computer if you don't have it already: Install - Flutter;
In the /lib/config.dart:
final weatherDataUrl = ''; // Required
final radarUrl = ''; // Optional
final webcamUrl = ''; // Optional
In pubspec.yaml edit the app name and the icon:
name: weewx_mobile_app
image_path: 'assets/icon.png'
In /android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml update the package name and the app name:
In /android/app/build.gradle edit the application id:
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.nikofresh.weewx"
flutter build apk
You'll have the apk file in weewx-mobile-app/build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-relase.apk
The app is currently translated in English and Italian
- 1.2:
Added 'Summary' page with week, month, year info
Added a bottomnavbar
Fixed some padding
- 1.1.2:
Added 'yesterday' card
- 1.1.1:
Added english translation
Added the adaptive icon for Android
Webcam and radar are now optional
Added README.md and license
- Add support for multiple images/radars;
- Add week/month/year data;
- Add a notification with current weather;