This is a order processing task. There are two micro services, one to push the orders into the database and the other is responsible to collect that order and process and perform calculations on them. These microservice internally communicate through RabbitMQ.
There are two microservices which will communicate with each other and process orders and calculate an OrderExecutionPrice. The order_generatore_service microservice is the one which generates orders every 2 seconds and update it in the database. It also publishes the order_id into the queue for further process. The second microservices will collect the published order_id from the queue and verify it with the database to check whether the order_exists. Once the confirmation is recieved it further calculates the order execution price. Once the order execution price is calculated it outputs the execution price to the standard output and further adds it to the database. If we want to calculate the total orders processed and the average execution price it can be easily calculated by taking the average of all from the database.
The Python Flask based microservices project is composed of the following:
The database used is MySql, which contains two tables, Orders table is used to store the order_ids with its quantity and order_process is used to store order_ids(FK) and its OrderExecutionPrice.
This service is used to generate orders every two seconds.
This services communicates with the order-generator-service and gets the newly added order_id and quantity and processes the OrderExecutionPrice and stores it in a seperate table.
The two microservices are communicating via RABBITMQ message broker service. Inorder to get RabbitMq messae broker as a service CloudAMQP is used.
The communication protocol used creates an external dependency, which could have been solved by normal JSON requests too. This has been done just to demonstrate the whole project.
|-- database # database as service
|-- images # images of architecture and screenshots of results
|-- order_generator_service # Generates orders every two seconds(First microservice)
|-- application
|-- OrderGeneratorApi
|-- # Message broker, publishes order_ids to second service
|-- # Containes Application logic with routes
|-- # Database models of application
|-- Dockerfile # Configure the whole service as container
|-- # Flask Application config file
|-- docker-compose.yml # Docker compose file
|-- requirements.txt # Packages needed for the application
|-- # Main file which serves as a starting point for the service
|-- order_processor_service # Processes every order (second microservice)
|-- application
|-- OrderProcessorApi
|-- api
|-- # Api calls config
|-- # Custom routes which containes application logic
|-- # Database models
|-- Dockerfile # Configure the whole service as container
|-- # Message Broker to collect order_ids and process them
|-- consumer_dockerfile # Docker file for consumer
|-- # Flask application config
|-- docker-compose.yml # Docker compose file
|-- requirements.txt # Packages needed for the application
|-- # Main file which serves as a starting point for the service
To launch the end-to-end microservices application perform the following:
Create a new Docker network and name it micro_network
docker network create micro_network
Set up network
docker network create micro_network
cd order_generator_service
docker-compose up --build
cd order_processor_service
docker-compose up --build
cd database
docker-compose up --build
Create database tables for order_generator_service
docker-compose exec generate_orders_service flask shell
Opens up a shell, please enter the following below.
>>> from application.models import Orders
>>> from application import db
>>> db.create_all()
>>> exit()
Create database tables for order_processor_service
docker-compose exec order_processor_service sh
Opens up a shell, please enter the following below.
>>> from application.models import order_process
>>> from application import db
>>> db.create_all()
>>> exit()
The creation of database via models is a manual process and has been kept that way intentionally, so as to avoid any problems.
Using browser you can now start the process by accessing the links
You can see in the standard out of the order_processor_service container the "OrderExecutionPrice" is getting printed and also in the "order_generator_service" container the order_id getting printed.
You can access the average execution price and total orders processed information using the below link
You can also stop processing all of the orders by accessing the below link
Please note, once the above link is executed the scheduler is killed. In order to restart the scheduler, you need to restart your containers from the beginning and start the whole process all over again.
There is no restart functionality which has been added purposefully.
Please go to the folder tests and create a virtual environment.
cd test
python -m venv <name of virtual environment>
Activate the virtual environment Windows:
<name of virtual environment>/Scripts/activate
<name of virtual environment>/bin/activate
Install all of the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can run all of your tests using the command below
cd integartion
python -m unittest test_integration
This will run all of the basic integartion tests defined.
Please note TRUNCATE command is called on the same database when running tests, this is not a good practise but has been done just for experimental purposes. Although this would not be an ideal situation in the real scenario.
List all running containers
docker ps
docker ps -a
docker-compose exec <container name> -i -t sh
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker stop <container name>
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm <container name>
docker rmi $(docker images -q)