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File metadata and controls

106 lines (85 loc) · 3 KB



This is a Web application for listing the beers and checking its details. The backend uses the ExpressJs framework. The frontend uses Reactjs, Bootstrap, CSS and JavaScript framework.


This Web application requires the following software:


Install this software as usual. Here is an example of installing it on Ubuntu.

For Create-react-app

sudo apt-get install Create-react-app -g

For Nodejs

sudo apt install nodejs

For Bootstrap

npm install bootstrap

For fontawesome

npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core \
npm i --save @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons \
npm i --save @fortawesome/react-fontawesome

For ExpressJs

npm install -g express-generator

Installed versions

  • Node - 10.15.3
  • Bootstrap - 4.3.1
  • Create-react-app - 1.4.3
  • @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core : 1.2.17
  • @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons : 5.8.1
  • @fortawesome/react-fontawesome - 0.1.4
  • Express-generator - 1.5.1
  • react-router-dom - 5.0.0

Project Structure

The project follows and extends the folder structure as expected by React.

  |-- public                 # Python dependencies.
  |-- react-backend          # backend of the application
      |-- routes             # custom routes to handle backend calls.
            |-- index.js     # custom routes to handle requests and responses of API
            |-- users.js     # custom routes to handle request and responses of API.
  |-- src/                   
      |-- components         # Custom components.
      		|-- Details.js   # Custom reactjs component.
            |-- Details.css  # Custom css for Details component.
      		|-- Listing.js   # Custom reactjs component.
            |-- Listing.css  # Custom css for Listing Component.
      		|-- main         # Custom routes of the application.
      |-- img                # Image files of the application.   
      |-- app.js             # Main application file.
      |-- app.css            # Pre-defined CSS of the application.
      |-- index.js           
      |-- index.css 
      |-- package.json       # Lists all packages installed or dependent.         

Development and Debugging

The application can be developed using just a text editor, Sublime text editor or any other IDE supporting ReactJs. Setup the project by executing npm start from the project directory.

For the back-end.

cd brewery-app/react-backend
npm start

For the front-end.

cd brewery-app
npm start

ATTENTION: All the modules have to be properly installed before running the above commands.
