Releases: NightDreamGames/Graded
Releases · NightDreamGames/Graded
[2.5.1] - 2023-11-21
Mostly bug fixes
- Enable predictive back gesture
- Rework some animations
- Fix iOS dialog flicker
- Fix errors on TextFields
- Fix rating system dialog
- Fix subjects being linked between terms
- Fix multiple bugs when popping routes
- Fix duplicated subject names
- Fix back gestures on iOS
- Code cleanup
- Upgrade to Flutter 3.16
- Add more test cases
- Fix changelogs in CI
- Fixed multiple other bugs
[2.5.0] - 2023-11-10
This version adds weights to tests, and reworks many parts of the user interface
- Redesign lists with Material 3 cards
- Add test weights
- Make test creation dialog expandable
- Add animations to various screens
- Add edge-to-edge rendering
- Fix blurry splash screen images
- Fix TabBar padding
- Vast code cleanup and optimisations
- Fixed multiple other bugs
[2.4.2] - 2023-10-14
- Update icons and splash screen
- Update monochrome icon
- Fix round adaptive icon
- Fix AppBar title padding
- Fix AppBar landscape layout
- Fixed other bugs
[2.4.1] - 2023-09-24
Mostly bug fixes related to UI and theming
- Upgrade to Flutter 3.13
- Multiple theme fixes and optimisations
- Calculate all years before showing average
- Fix TabBar scrolling and updating
- Fix empty list widget
- CI changelog improvements
- Update store descriptions
- Fixed other bugs
[2.4.0] - 2023-09-11
This feature update includes support for multiple years as well as many other improvements
- Add support for saving and managing multiple years
- Add long press on subject to quick-create a test
- Add dates to tests and date sorting
- TabBar UI improvements
- Improve tooltips and accessibility
- Change behavior of precise average
- Add natural sorting to alphabetical sort
- Target Android 14
- Removed support for legacy 1.X.X versions
- Fixed many bugs
[2.3.1] - 2023-07-05
- Add quarters
- Clean up translations
- Edit descriptions in settings
- Add more term options in luxembourgish setup
- Start implementing multiple years support
- Fix subject group sorting
- Code cleanup
- Fixed some additional bugs
[2.3.0] - 2023-06-23
Introducing a new UI for switching terms and several under the hood improvements
- Added TabBar for switching terms
- Refactored routing system
- Optimized the app by reducing the amount of rebuilds
- Fixed several translation errors and inconsistencies
- Switch iOS rendering engine to Impeller
- Fixed blurred monochrome icon on Android
- Code cleanup
- Fixed some additional bugs
[2.2.2] - 2023-05-14
Lists can now be sorted in ascending and descending order, and the app now has a monochrome icon!
- Added ascending and descending sorting
- Added monochrome icon
- Changed style in the settings screen
- Changed changelog workflow
- Cleaned up the project by changing linter rules
- Upgrade to Dart 3 and Flutter 3.10
- Fixed wrong exam calculation weight
- Fixed UI showcase not starting
- Fixed some additional bugs
This version has several language improvements, adds some new UI features and fixes a lot of bugs
- Added POEditor translation workflow. If you want to contribute, head over to our POEditor project and start translating!
- Switched to .arb translations
- Added translations for Dutch and Luxembourgish
- Fixed numerous translation inconsistencies
- Added an illustration for empty lists
- Fixed the white screen when reordering subjects
- Fixed bugs with the showcase in the subject editing screen
- Improve iOS keyboard handling
- Fixed some additional bugs
You can now easily add speaking tests with their own weight! You can edit the speaking weight on the subject editing page.
- Added speaking tests
- Added unit tests
- Improved number parsing
- Fixed input validation
- Fixed some layout bugs