Proof of Concept - HTTP Router Server and Test Client for Mewbase
This is protoype Scala code which is intended to be integrated into the Mewbase project repo once various protocol and resource management issues have been ironed out.
It is licensed under the mewbase license
It produces a runnable jar that contains the server and test client code.
The runnable jar is here ...
If you want to create a runnable jar from the command line (it will be necessary to install sbt if not already installed on your machine.)
$> sbt assembly
This will pack all the source code and dependencies into a jar file named http-router-POC-assembly-X.X.X.jar see the output from the 'sbt assembly' command for the location of the file.
To run the server you will need a JDK installed.
As an example to start the serve on port 32080 type
$> java -Dmewbase.port=32080 -cp {path to jar}/http-router-POC-assembly-0.0.1.jar io.mewbase.Server
This will output
Server Started on port 32080
It is possible to ping the server with an HTTP GET command from any browser or client - e.g.
In a browser local to the server will result in the 'pong' text being displayed.
If you dont specify a port the systems properties the server will start on 8080 by default.
The jar also contains a test client that can be run to test publish and subscribe protocols to the server - e.g.
$> java -Dmewbase.port=32080 -cp ./http-router-POC-assembly-0.0.1.jar io.mewbase.Client
Will start the test client which tries to connect to the server on the given host and port. If it connects this will produce output reflecting replies from the server for various calls and the server will report publish and subscribe details.