Rather lazily programmed discord bot that works with any OpenAI (including finetuned) models.
To install the libraries for it you'll need to install the Python package manager poetry
Once you have poetry, enter the cloned directory in your terminal and type
poetry install
To run you'll need these env vars:
OPENAI_API_KEY: sk-R-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.... # get this from here https://platform.openai.com/api-keys
DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.... # get this from here https://discord.com/developers/applications
DISCORD_SERVER_ID: 8588513XXXXXXXXXXX # right click on the server and hit copy server ID. This is the server the chat commands get installed to
OPENAI_MODEL: ft-gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18:personal:xxxxxxxxxxxxx # fine tune here https://platform.openai.com/finetune
BOT_NAME: lez # what's the name of this bot?
READ_ALL_MESSAGES: true/false # should the bot insert every message into the chat history, even if it doesn't reference the bot?
- Channel specific memory (hardcoded to 50 messages but easily changeable)
- Can be DM'd for private conversation where you don't need to @ the bot
- Randomly replies to a message every once and a while (2% chance, modify in bot.py)