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Welcome to the Visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) implementation for the FlightMatrix simulation environment! This Python-based system performs real-time 3D pose estimation using Visual Odometry, integrated directly with FlightMatrix via the FlightMatrixBridge API.

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🛰️ Visual SLAM with FlightMatrix 🚀

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Welcome to the Visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) implementation for the FlightMatrix simulation environment! This Python-based system performs real-time 3D pose estimation using Visual Odometry, integrated directly with FlightMatrix via the FlightMatrixBridge API. Whether you're testing with the FlightMatrix simulation or the KITTI dataset, this project allows you to visualize and analyze camera trajectories, pose estimations, and 3D point cloud data.

📑 Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Documentation: VisualOdometry Class
  5. Key Components
  6. Dataset
  7. References

✨ Features

  • ORB Feature Detection & Matching: Detects and matches key points using the ORB algorithm with FLANN-based matching for fast and accurate results.
  • Real-time 3D Pose Estimation: Computes essential matrices and decomposes transformations to estimate pose.
  • FlightMatrix Integration: Seamless integration with FlightMatrix through the FlightMatrixBridge API.
  • Trajectory Visualization: Visualizes the camera's path and projections for better analysis and debugging.
  • KITTI Dataset Compatibility: Supports benchmarking against the KITTI visual odometry dataset.

⚙️ Installation

1. Clone the Repository:

git clone
cd Py-VisualSLAM_ft.FlightMatrix

2. Install Dependencies:

Install Python 3.x dependencies and packages by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Install FlightMatrixBridge:

To enable communication with FlightMatrix, install the required FlightMatrixBridge package:

pip install flightmatrixbridge

4. (Optional) Customize Calibration:

If needed, modify paths and settings in to suit your environment.

🏃‍♂️ Usage

1. Generate Calibration Data:

Generate the required calibration files for the FlightMatrix simulator:


2. Run with FlightMatrix:

Execute the following script to run Visual SLAM in the FlightMatrix simulation:


3. Run with KITTI Dataset:

For testing with the KITTI dataset, run:


📚 Documentation: VisualOdometry Class

The VisualOdometry class is the heart of this system, performing monocular visual odometry using ORB features, FLANN-based matching, and RANSAC-based essential matrix estimation.

Here’s how you can use the VisualOdometry class for your SLAM pipeline:

Key Class Components

  1. Import Required Modules:
import numpy as np      # Numerical operations
import cv2              # OpenCV for image processing
import torch            # PyTorch for GPU acceleration
import threading        # For multi-threading support in optimization

Visual Odometry Class Documentation

This class performs Visual Odometry using ORB features and FLANN-based matching. It includes functionality for bundle adjustment, camera calibration loading, and essential matrix computation using RANSAC.

Class Attributes:

  • bundle_adjustment_learning_rate (float): Learning rate for bundle adjustment, influencing convergence speed during optimization.
  • device (torch.device): The device on which the computations are performed (CPU or GPU). Automatically set to GPU if available, otherwise defaults to CPU.
  • bundle_adjustment_steps (list): A list of steps for bundle adjustment to control the number of iterations or refinement processes.
  • bundle_adjustment_epochs (int): The number of epochs for bundle adjustment.
  • bundle_adjustment_loss_tolerance (float): Tolerance for early stopping in bundle adjustment based on loss convergence.
  • bundle_adjustment_threads (dict): A dictionary storing bundle adjustment threads, used to parallelize adjustments.
  • lock (threading.Lock): A threading lock for synchronization during bundle adjustment, preventing race conditions.
  • estimated_poses (list): A list of estimated camera poses across frames, representing the camera trajectory.
  • points_3d (list): A list of 3D world points reconstructed from the 2D features.
  • observations (list): A list of 2D observations corresponding to keypoints detected in frames.
  • K (numpy.ndarray): Camera intrinsic matrix, used to convert between pixel and world coordinates.
  • P (numpy.ndarray): Projection matrix used for mapping 3D world points to 2D image coordinates.
  • orb (cv2.ORB): ORB feature detector and descriptor used to identify and describe keypoints in each frame.
  • flann (cv2.FlannBasedMatcher): FLANN-based matcher used for matching keypoints between consecutive frames.
  • ratio_test_threshold (float): Threshold for ratio test during FLANN matching, used to filter out unreliable matches.
  • knn_match_num (int): The number of nearest neighbors to find during FLANN matching.
  • prev_img (numpy.ndarray): The previous image frame for tracking keypoints and computing relative motion.
  • prev_keypoints (list): List of keypoints in the previous frame.
  • prev_descriptors (numpy.ndarray): Descriptors of the keypoints in the previous frame.
  • display_frame (numpy.ndarray): The current frame for displaying keypoints, useful for visualization.

Additional Attributes:

  • image_sharpen_kernel (numpy.ndarray): Kernel used for sharpening the image, which enhances the clarity of features in the frame.
  • sharpening (bool): Flag to enable or disable image sharpening before feature detection.
  • findEssentialMat_method (int): The method for finding the essential matrix. Common options include cv2.RANSAC or cv2.LMEDS.
  • findEssentialMat_prob (float): Probability parameter for RANSAC in finding the essential matrix.
  • findEssentialMat_threshold (float): Threshold parameter for RANSAC, controlling the maximum reprojection error allowed for a match to be considered in the model.


vo = VisualOdometry(
    init_pose=np.eye(4),                        # Initial pose (identity matrix for the first frame)
    camera_calib_file='calib.txt',               # Path to the camera calibration file
    FLANN_INDEX_LSH=6,                           # FLANN index for ORB feature matching
    table_number=6,                              # FLANN table number for ORB feature matching
    key_size=12,                                 # FLANN key size for ORB feature matching
    multi_probe_level=1,                         # Multi-probe level for FLANN matching
    ratio_test_threshold=0.75,                   # Ratio test threshold for feature matching
    knn_match_num=2,                             # Number of nearest neighbors to find in FLANN matching
    max_features=3000,                           # Maximum number of features per frame
    bundle_adjustment_steps=[2, 10],             # Bundle adjustment steps
    bundle_adjustment_epochs=500,                # Number of epochs for bundle adjustment
    bundle_adjustment_learning_rate=1e-3,       # Learning rate for bundle adjustment
    bundle_adjustment_loss_tolerance=1,         # Loss tolerance for early stopping in bundle adjustment
    device=torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'), # Use GPU if available
    image_sharpen_kernel=np.array([              # Kernel for image sharpening
        [0, -1, 0], 
        [-1, 5, -1], 
        [0, -1, 0]
    sharpening=False,                            # Flag to enable/disable image sharpening
    findEssentialMat_method=cv2.RANSAC,          # Method to estimate essential matrix (RANSAC)
    findEssentialMat_prob=0.999,                 # Probability for RANSAC estimation
    findEssentialMat_threshold=1.0               # Threshold for RANSAC essential matrix estimation


  • init_pose (numpy.ndarray): The initial pose (4x4 matrix) of the camera. Typically, this is set to the identity matrix for the first frame.
  • camera_calib_file (str): The path to the camera calibration file containing intrinsic parameters like focal length and principal point.
  • FLANN_INDEX_LSH (int): The FLANN index used for ORB matching, typically set to 6 for ORB descriptors.
  • max_features (int): The maximum number of features to be detected in each frame. A larger number means more keypoints, but at the cost of computation time.
  • bundle_adjustment_epochs (int): The number of epochs to run for bundle adjustment. This is the number of iterations the optimizer will try to improve the pose estimation.
  • device (torch.device): The device (CPU or GPU) for tensor computations. If a GPU is available, it will be used for faster computation.
  • sharpening (bool): If True, the image will be sharpened before feature extraction, enhancing feature detection.
  • findEssentialMat_method (int): The method used to compute the essential matrix. Default is RANSAC, which is robust to outliers.
  • findEssentialMat_prob (float): Probability parameter for RANSAC in essential matrix estimation.
  • findEssentialMat_threshold (float): Threshold for RANSAC in determining inliers for the essential matrix.


  • _load_calib(filepath): Loads camera calibration parameters (intrinsic and extrinsic) from a file.

    def _load_calib(self, filepath: str):
        # Load calibration data from a file
  • _form_transf(R, t): Forms a transformation matrix from a given rotation matrix R and translation vector t.

    def _form_transf(self, R: np.ndarray, t: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        # Convert rotation matrix and translation vector into a transformation matrix
  • get_matches(img): Detects ORB keypoints and descriptors in the given image, and matches them with the previous frame using FLANN.

    def get_matches(self, img: np.ndarray):
        # Detect ORB keypoints and match with previous frame
  • update_pose(q1, q2): Updates the camera pose based on the matches between the current and previous frames.

    def update_pose(self, q1: np.ndarray, q2: np.ndarray):
        # Update the camera pose based on feature matches
  • bundle_adjustment(): Performs bundle adjustment to optimize the camera poses and 3D points. Uses multi-threading and loss tolerance for convergence.

    def bundle_adjustment(self):
        # Refine poses and points using bundle adjustment

  1. Using the Class:
  • Update Visual Odometry:

For each frame, simply use vo.update(frame) to update the pose:

for i in range(max_frame):
    # Read the current frame
    frame = cv2.imread(f"{data_dir}/{i:06d}.png")

    # Update visual odometry with the current frame

    # Retrieve pose data
    estimated_poses = vo.estimated_poses
    img_matches = vo.display_frame
    points = vo.points_3d
    pixels = vo.observations

    # Draw trajectory if poses are available
    if estimated_poses:
        path = [(pose[0, 3], pose[2, 3]) for pose in estimated_poses]
        rotation = estimated_poses[-1][:3, :3]

        # Draw trajectory
        traj_img = draw_trajectory(path, rotation, points, pixels, frame, actual_poses, img_size, draw_scale)
        cv2.imshow("Trajectory", traj_img)

    # Show matches image
    if img_matches is not None:
        cv2.imshow("Matches", img_matches)

    # Exit loop if 'q' is pressed
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

🛠️ Key Components

  • The main script to run SLAM in FlightMatrix simulation.
  • Handles KITTI dataset sequences for visual odometry testing.
  • Generates calibration files for the camera.
  • Contains functions for visualizing trajectories and poses.

📂 Dataset

This project is compatible with the KITTI Visual Odometry Dataset. Download the sequences and place them in the Data/ folder to use with the script.

📚 References

🎉 Thank you for checking out the project! 🚀

Feel free to contribute or explore the code to further enhance Visual SLAM for FlightMatrix or other applications. For tutorials, check out our YouTube Series.


Welcome to the Visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) implementation for the FlightMatrix simulation environment! This Python-based system performs real-time 3D pose estimation using Visual Odometry, integrated directly with FlightMatrix via the FlightMatrixBridge API.







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